Civil Liberties
Civil Liberties 2
Civil Liberties 3
Civil Rights
Civil Rights

Personal guarantees and freedoms that the government cannot restrict (freedom to)

What is civil liberties

The first clause of the First amendment; it directs the national government not to sanction an official religion.
What is the establishment clause
Written statement that defames a person's character.
What is libel
Amendment that banned slavery
What is the 13th amendment

Court case that ended de jure segregation in public schools based on an interpretation of the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause.

What is Brown v. Board of Education

The government-protected rights of individuals against discriminatory treatment (freedom against)
What is civil rights
The second clause of the First Amendment;it prohibits the U.S. government from interfering with a citizen's right to practice religion.
What is the Free Exercise Clause
This makes an act punishable as a crime even if the action was legal at the time it was committed.
What is Ex Post Facto Law
Amendment that guaranteed citizens the right to vote regardless of race.
What is the 15th amendment
Provision of the Education Amendments that bars educational institutions receiving federal funds from discriminating against female students.
What is Title IX
According to this amendment, powers not delegated the national government are reserved to the states.
What is the Tenth Amendment
Three-part test created by the Court for examining the constitutionality of religious establishment issues.
What is the Lemon Test
This prohibits police from using illegally seized evidence in a trial
What is the Exclusionary Rule

Clause of the 14th Amendment that provides justification for the protection of Civil Rights

What is the Equal Protection Clause

Court case in which it was ruled that the risk posed by Japanese Americans justified their internment
What is Korematsu v US

Clause contained in the Fifth and Fourteenth amendments; ensures government will respect your liberties (must be fair).

What is the Due Process Clause

This prevents the government from prohibiting speech or publication before the fact (generally held to be in violation of the First amendment)
What is Prior Restraint
Court case in which the right to privacy was used to justify striking down a Connecticut statute prohibiting married couples' access to birth control.
What is Griswold v Connecticut
Amendment granting women the right to vote
What is the 19th amendment

Court case that deprived enslaved persons of their natural rights. Slaves did not have standing to sue in federal court.

What is Dred Scott v. Sandford

Judicial doctrine through which most of the Bill of Rights are mad to applicable to the states via the 14th amendment
What is judicial review
Test articlulated in Schneck v U.S. to draw the line between protected and unprotected speech
What is the Clear and Present Danger test

Act of SCOTUS to apply the Bill of Rights' protections to the states over time on a case by case basis using an interpretation of the 14th Amendment's Due Process Clause.

What is Selective Incorporation

Legislation passed to outlaw segregation in public facilities and discrimination in employment, education, and voting, created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
What is Civil Rights Act of 1964

Court case dealing with reverse discrimination and Affirmative Action; Court ruled that the plaintiffs' rejection to a university was illegal, but the medical school was free to "take race into account."

What is University of California v Bakke
