Who assassinated Martin Luther King Jr?
Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated by James Earl Ray
Who was the leader of SCLC
Martin Luther King Jr
John Lewis had any type of degree?
True or False
Lewis did have a degree he had a Bachelor of Divinity from the American Baptist Theological Seminary and he also had a Bachelor degree in Religion and Philosophy.
How many years was Ivan Allen Jr mayor of Atlanta
He was Atlanta's mayor for 8 years during the 1960's
What was SNCC protesting about?
Segregation and Racism
What was his famous speech
I Have a dream
When did SCLC first begin
January 10, 1957
July 17 2020
What sport did he bring to Atlanta?
He brought the Falcons into the NFL and started their franchise.
What was the purpose of SNCC?
SNCC was to use nonviolent protest.
What was MLK's group called
What is the SCLC stand for
The Southern Christian Leadership Conference
How long did he serve in the United States Congress?
He served for over 30 years.
What was Ivan Allen known for?
He was known as a Pitoval leader he was in the struggle to establish Civil Rights for African Americans
What does SNCC stand for?
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
When did he win his Noble Piece prize
What was SCLC
SCLC was a civil rights organization.
What did John Lewis do for a living?
He was a civil right activist and also was a politican.
Was the only Southern politician to testify in favor of the Civil Rights Act
True or false
Who helped found the SNCC
James Lawson helped found the SNCC
Martin Luther King Jr enrolled into Morehouse College at 15 at what age did he graduate?
He graduated at the age of 19 with a BA in sociology.
How many members did SCLC have?
The SCLC had about 60 black ministers and leaders.
What is John Lewis best known for?
John Lewis is best known for his leadership in the Civil Rights Movement.
What did Ivan allen order on his first day in the office?
He ordered that all the removal of all the "White" and "Colored signs" around facilities.
Which one of their leaders was kicked out of SNCC?
John Lewis was kicked out of SNCC.