Who was arrested in Montgomery, AL for refusing to give up seat on a bus?
Rosa Parks
At what event did MLK give his famous "I have a dream speech"?
March on Washington
What court case overturned Plessy v. Ferguson by saying schools must integrate?
Brown v. Board of Education
In what city was Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated?
Memphis, TN
What organization related to civil rights was created in 1909?
Who went to Morehouse College at age 15 and led the SCLC?
Martin Luther King Jr.
What was the day called when John Lewis was beaten badly trying to march to Montgomery, AL?
Bloody Sunday
In what year was the ruling in Brown v. BOE?
What is suprising about Lester Maddox as governor of GA?
He appointed many blacks to government positions
Who believed that blacks should protest and not accept segregation in the early 1900s?
W.E.B. DuBois
Who refused to integrate his restaurant and later became governor of GA?
Lestrer Maddox
What was the name of the attempt to integrate a small GA town in 1961-1962?
Albany Movement
What laws should have been eliminated by the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
Must give the name we used in class.
Jim Crow laws
What was the ruling in Brown v. BOE?
______ to ____________
9 to 0
Who was the Georgia was was born a slave and became a milliionaire in Atlanta?
Alonzo Herndon
Who led SNCC and later served in the US House of Reps?
John Lewis
What president signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965?
Lyndon B Johnson
What law made blacks citizens of the US during Reconstruction?
14th amendment
What president integrated the US military in 1948?
Harry S. Truman
Who believed segregration was acceptable in the early 1900s and that change would happen slowly over time?
Booker T. Washington
Who was the lawyer that led a group around GA to ask how people felt about school integration?
Must say first and last name.
John Sibley
What did the GA General Assembly do in 1956 to show opposition to Brown v. Board of Education?
changed the state flag- added Confederate battle symbol to state flag
In what year was the ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson made?
In what year was UGA integrated?
What does NAACP stand for?
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People