Known for leading boycotts and "I Have A Dream" speech
Martin Luther King
Pay to vote
Poll Tax
People were beaten for trying this peaceful exercise in public restaurants, bars, etc.
Plessy vs Ferguson
Separate but Equal
These children are known for their bravery to attend Central High School
Little Rock Nine
Refused to give up her seat on a bus
Rosa Parks
A test you took before voting
Literacy Test
This group armed themselves with weaponry to protect themselves by their constitutional right
Black Pather Party
Ended segregation and allowed integration in all schools
Brown v Board of Education
He took over the National Gaurd to make sure students went to school in Arkansas
Dwight Eisenhower
Initiated the idea of a Civil Rights Bill in 1963
John F Kennedy (JFK)
This famous court case brought about the Jim Crow Laws
Plessy v Ferguson
People would ride these buses around the country as a sign of protest
Freedom Riders
prohibits the federal and state governments from denying the right to vote based on failure to pay taxes
24th Amendment
César Chávez and Dolores Huerta created this organization during the Chicano Movement
Appointed by the NAACP for the Brown v Board of Education case and appointed to the Supreme Court
Thurgood Marshall
A peaceful protest that was met with Police brutality Salem
Bloody Sunday
Dr King spoke to over 10,000 people on the steps of Abraham Lincoln
I Have A Dream
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Allowed all races and genders to vote in the United States of America
Leaders of the Chicano Movement
Cesar Chaves and Delores Huerta
What court case allowed Latinos to be able to participate in jury duty
Hernandez v. Texas
This Act ended the Poll Tax and Literacy Test against African Americans and other races
Voting Rights Act of 1965
ended Mexican-American segregation in public schools in California
Mendez v. Westminster