Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5

______________ because of the Jim Crow laws. 

a. Hotels were integrated           

b. Slavery was outlawed

c. Whites and African American received “separate but equal” opportunities

d. Poll taxes and literacy tests were outlawed  


c. Whites and African American received “separate but equal” opportunities


Linda Brown’s attorney was____________.

Thurgood Marshall


John F Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson were popular during the Civil Rights Movement because _________.

a. They approved of the Jim Crow laws.

b. They made poll taxes legal. 

c. They helped pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

d. They spoke at the March on Washington event.

c. They helped pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964.


The _____________________________________ lasted for one year. At the end, the US Supreme Court outlawed segregation of all public transportation in the city. 

Montgomery Bus Boycott


Rosa Parks refused to give up ___________. Her actions led to integration of public transportation. 

her seat on the bus to a white person


Why was the March on Washington successful? 

A. Only 250 people attended 

B. The participants displayed nonviolent actions while marching

C. The police attacked many protestors

The participants displayed nonviolent actions while marching


___________________________________________ gave his famous “I have a Dream” speech. 

Martin Luther King Jr 


How did Thurgood Marshall get involved in the Civil Rights Movement?

a)  He organized the March on Washington.

b) He gave African Americans the right to vote.

c)  He won the Brown vs. Board of Education court case.

c)  He won the Brown vs. Board of Education court case.


Lyndon B Johnson signed into the law the Voting Rights Act.    

True or False 



The Brown vs Board of Education case stated that schools should be separate but equal.  

True or False 



Which method listed below would not have been a method in which Martin Luther King Jr would have used to fight for Civil Rights? 

A. fighting /riots     B. protests   

c.  marches            d. sit-ins 

A. fighting /riots  


How did the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr impact America? 

a. Little to no change was felt in America 

b. Groups continued to work for integration and equality

c. The Civil Rights movement stopped after his death. 

Groups continued to work for integration and equality


The Voting Rights Act of 1965_________________.

a. gave all blacks the right to vote during elections. b.gave all blacks the opportunity to run for government positions. 

c. banned segregation in schools

d.outlawed poll taxes and literacy tests.

d.outlawed poll taxes and literacy tests.


____________________ was shot in Dallas, Texas in 1963 while riding in a parade in a convertible car the top down and people were extremely upset.

John F Kennedy 


____________was shot at a campaign stop in LA while running for the Democratic nomination.  Americans were shocked that another family member had been assassinated.

Robert Kennedy 


This young lady walked to school through a railroad switch yard because her 3rd grade school was 3 miles from her home. She was not allowed to attend the whites only school in her neighborhood.  Her father sued the Board of Education and hired Thurgood Marshall as her attorney. Who was this young lady? 

Linda Brown 


The purpose of the Civil Rights Act was ____.

a. to end poll tax 

b. to make Jim Crow Laws illegal 

c. to end school segregation 

b. to make the Jim Crow Laws illegal


After Martin Luther King Jr's assassination _____.

a. people stopped fighting for Civil Rights 

b. people started fighting with violence 

c. people continued to fight in nonviolent ways for Civil Rights.

c. people continued to fight in nonviolent ways for Civil Rights.


John F. Kennedy and  Lyndon B. Johnson helped create the  __________________. 

a. Jim Crow Laws 

b. Civil Rights Act 

c. Montgomery Bus Boycott

b. Civil Rights Act 


What impact did the assassination of John F. Kennedy have? 

a. Additional security was provided for presidents

b. Americans mourned the death of JFK. 

c. Americans lost their optimism they had been experiencing.

d. All of the Above

d. All of the above 


Many American families purchased a television in the late 1960s. This invention allowed families to have access to world events on their television screen. 

True or False 



The space race was between _____________.

a. US and France

b. US and Soviet Union 

c. Soviet Union and Germany 

b. US and Soviet Union 


What role did Cesar Chavez play in regards to Civil Rights? 

Fought for migrant workers through peaceful methods. He also formed the Farm Workers Association. 



What happened in the purple state? 

The Montgomery Bus Boycott 


Which best describes America during the 1960s?  

a. Everyone reacted in a nonviolent manner during their protests. 

b. People reacted with violence and some political leaders were assassinated. 

c. People were pleased with the leadership of the USA, but they were upset about the economy. 

B. People reacted with violence and some political leaders were assassinated. 
