Civil Rights groups and individuals
Opposition to civil rights
Key events

What is the name of the laws introduced in the 1980s that formed the basis of discrimination in the south

Jim Crow Law


At what event did MLK deliver his famous speech and what was it called?

"I have a dream", March on Washington 1963


What are the two key oppositional groups to civil rights?

Ku Klux Klan, White Citizens' Council

What was the result of the Montgomery Bus Boycott?

Ruled segregation on buses as unconstitutional 


What is an example of the influence of the Civil rights movement in Australia?

1965 freedom rides - sydney uni students led by Charles Perkins went on a bus campaign through rural towns to highlight discrimination in the state


Name 3 forms of discrimination faced by African Americans in 1945.

- Jim crow laws (segregation, instilled a curfew)

- Public lynchings and beatings (namely by the KKK)

- Education (Plessy v Ferguson, unable to acheive quality education at white schools)


What was a major accomplishment of the NAACP?

The legal representation for Brown in the Brown v Board case - got it overturned


Was Civil RIghts legislation effective? Provide an example to support your answer

Generally, no as it was not enforced by the government and many southern states followed their own state laws

Little Rock Nine - THe governer of Arkansas sending the National Guard to block the students from entering


How many people were killed during the Mississippi freedom summer?

3 (two white CORE members and a local african american)


Which president intervened with Little rock nine?



What was Plessy v Ferguson and its main outcome? + what was the case that undid the ruling?

Legal case in 1986 --> supreme court rules that having segregated facilities is constitutional if "separate but equal"

Brown v Board 1954


What are the differences between the beliefs of MLK and Malcolm X?

- MLK believes in nonviolent protest, X preaches "self-defense" and violent protest

- MLK is inclusive of white people, X beliefs white people are devils

- MLK was christian, X followed Islam


What young african american man was killed and why?

Emmett Till, for flirting with a white women whilst visiting relatives in Mississippi


What are two reasons why the March on Washington was so successful?

High number turnout - over 250k

Media coverage


Attended by blacks and whites


What is the significance of the 1964 civil rights act?

Ended discrimination in public places and banned it in employment + outlawed segregation in businesses


What was the role of African Americans like at the end of WW2

Increased legal rights (namely in gov. employment), little to no change in social perception and standing - still subject to beatings, lynchings, segregation etc.


What were the methods of protest used by the Black Panthers?

- survival programs (provided food, clothing and a breakfast program), Focus on "self defense" w/ common involvement in armed fights with police, campaigned for community reforms (voter registration drives etc.)


What are the main protest methods of the WCC

- own publication (The Citizens' Council) that promoted racist ideologies and boasted white achievements

- Used propaganda to portray black people as savages, sexual predators and unintelligent

- Held demonstrations outside of de-segregating schools and closed such schools down


What hotel was MLK staying at when he died and what was the name of his assassin?

Lorraine motel in tennessee

Samuel Kyles


What are two things Presdient Johnson did to further the movement?

Worked closely with MLK

Passed the 1964 civil rights bill

1965 voting act

1968 fair housing act

Protected black protesters in the montgomery march


What is the name of the law that was introduced by Roosevelt and what did it do

Executive Order 8802 (don't need to know the number)

Ended discrimination in federal government employment practices


What was the SNCC, what were their key beliefs and what events were they part of?

Student non-violent coordinating committee

A nonviolent CR organisation 

- Part of the freedom rides and played a huge role in the Mississippi Freedom Summer for black voter registration


What percentage of African American deaths are the KKK responsible for in the time period studied?



what key event happened in 1960 and what was the main outcome

Greensboro woolworths sit-ins

four college students refused to leave a woolies lunch counter unles they got served - resulted in a boycott of all segregated lunch counters until the owners gave in

Result: spearheaded sit-ins in other cities, led to the formation of the SNCC


What is an example of the influence of the movement in northern ireland?

Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association established to challenge the treatment of catholics

Held multiple peaceful protest marches e.g. Belfast to Londenberry in 1969
