An African-American woman who refused to give up her seat on the bus for a white passenger
Rosa Parks
The separation of the races
Young people who went to segregated lunch counters participated in what became known as
Sets of mainly southern laws that legalized racial segregation
Jim Crow Laws
hating someone because of their skin color
This president was a supporter of the Civil Right Movement before he was assassinated.
Who was John F Kennedy?
Bringing all the races back together
Rosa Parks arrest led to a 1 year boycott of what form of public transportation
Bus Boycott
Passed in 1965, it banned literacy tests for voting.
What is the Voting Rights Act?
using peaceful means to bring about change
A Civil Rights leader famous for his "I Have A Dream" speech
Dr. Martin Luther King JR
250,000 people gathered in Washington, D.C. to ask Congress to make a law that would give African Americans equal rights and quality education.
The March on Washington
This Civil Rights Act was passed to end all segregation-YEAR?
to stop buying or using a something as a means of protest
This fierce advocate for African Americans disagreed with MLK's strategy for equality.
Who was Malcolm X?
Professional boxer which was an avid Civil Rights activists
Muhammad Ali
This was the name for when young civil rights workers from all over the country went around riding buses throughout the south testing the desegregation of the bussing system.
What is the Freedom Riders?
Supreme court case that declared "Separate is UNEQUAL" which led to school integration.
Brown V Board of Education (of Topeka, KS)
not in agreement with the US Constitution
9 African American students tried to attend the all-white Central High School but were harassed and terrorized.
Who were the Little Rock 9?
True or False: Most protesters during the Civil Rights Movement were violent.
What were literacy tests and poll taxes used for?
decrease amount of blacks voting