This event, sparked by Rosa Parks’ arrest, led to a year-long protest against segregated public transportation in Alabama.
What is the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
What occured between 1877 and the 196o's
What is Jim Crow Era
This minister and civil rights leader was known for his philosophy of nonviolent resistance and gave the famous "I Have a Dream" speech. When was he born
Name MLK's positions
Baptist minister, 1st president of SCLS
In 1963, this large-scale protest in Washington, D.C., was where Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech.
March on Washington
The group of students who were chosen to integrate into Little Rock High School in ARkansas and when did this happen
Who are the Little Rock nine, 1957
In 1965, peaceful protesters were violently attacked by law enforcement on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. This event became known as ___.
What is Bloody Sunday
This leader of the Nation of Islam later advocated for racial unity and was assassinated in 1965.
Who is Malcolm X
The court case that said separate but equal in not actually equal
What is Plessy v Feurguson
The time of rebuilding after the civil war
What is reconstruction
Who was the 14 year old black boy murdered in Mississippi in 1955 and what did his death spark?
Emmit Til, Civil rights movement because of open casket
This 1964 voter registration drive in Mississippi aimed to increase Black voter participation but was met with violence and resistance.
What is Freedom Summer
What was the boycott that boycotted riding buses and how long did it last
Montgomerey bus boycott lasting 381
Name 5 things that happened during reconstruction
What is the Linclon Assasination, founding of Klu Lux Clan, African Americans holding public office, black coats
What United States president signed the Civil Rights act of 1964?
What is Lyndon Johnson