
What was the Civil War? A) 1861-1865 fight between the United States and the Confederacy B) Considered the war to end all wars C) War that separated the United States from England D) None of these

A) 1861-1865 fight between the United States and the Confederacy


Who was the President of the United States during the Civil War? A) John F. Kennedy B) George Washington C) Thomas Jefferson D) Abraham Lincoln

D) Abraham Lincoln


What weapon caused 90% of all casualties during the Civil War? A) Machine Gun B) Minie Ball C) Bow and Arrow

B) Minie Ball


What was he nickname given to Southern soldiers? A) Yankees B) Rednecks C) Rebels D) Carpetbaggers 

C) Rebels


What was the Confederacy? A) 11 southern states that seceded from the United States in 1860 B) An executive order made to abolish slavery C) None of these

A) 11 southern states that seceded from the United States in 1860


The first state to secede from the Union A) South Carolina B) North Carolina C) Georgia D) Tennessee

A) South Carolina


What do you call the practice of holding people against their will, forcing them to perform tasks, and treating them like property? A) Employment B) Indentured Servants C) Slavery D) Service Work

C) Slavery


What was the nickname Southerners gave to the Union soldiers? A) Mariners B) Yankees C) Scalawags D) Loyalist

B) Yankees


What was the name for the act of southern states leaving the Union to form their own country? A) Running Away B) Declaring Independence C) Secede D) Withdrawal 

C) Secede 


This type of labor was relied on heavily for many southern farms A) Slave B) Essential Workers C) Cheap Labor D) None of these

A) Slave


What was the name for the people who wanted to put an end to (or abolish) slavery? A) Terminators B)Representatives C) Peacemakers D) Abolitionists

D) Abolitionists 


What was the name for the system of escape routes where “conductors” led slaves to freedom? A) Underground Railroad B) Union Pacific Railroad C) Oregon Trail D) Freedom Trail

A) Underground Railroad


The two main issues that caused the South to secede were? A) Slavery and States Rights B) Cotton and Taxes C) Independence from England and the rest of Europe

A) Slavery and States Rights


Which of the following events sparked southern states to secede from the Union? A) Abolitionist started a movement B) Kansas was made a free state C) Lincoln was elected U.S. President D) Slavery was outlawed by Lincoln 

C) Lincoln was elected U.S. President


Complete the analogy below: Fredrick Douglass: BLANK vs. Abraham Lincoln: President 

A) Soldier B) Abolitionist C) Slave D) Politician 

B) Abolitionist


What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act do? A) Repealed the Missouri Compromise B) Was replaced by the Missouri Compromise

 A) Repealed the Missouri Compromise


What did the Missouri Compromise try to accomplish? A) admitted one slave state and then one free state B) made all the states free C) made all the states slave states 

A) admitted one slave state and then one free state


What was the name for an important document signed by President Lincoln that freed the slaves? A) Emancipation Proclamation B) Civil Rights Act C) Freedom Contract D) Deceleration of Independence

A) Emancipation Proclamation


When people identified more with their region that with others across the country A) sectionalism B) secede

 A) sectionalism


What was the name for a tax on goods brought into a country, which was passed to encourage the southern states to buy more goods from northern factories? A) Tariff B) State Tax C) Income Tax D) Protection Tax

A) Tariff
