The Act that essentially destroyed the Missouri Compromise.
What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
This man was a famous Abolitionist who tried to start a slave revolt.
Who is John Brown?
In this battle, there were 50,000 casualties and was when the South realized they would lose the war.
What is the Battle of Gettysburg?
Abraham Lincoln's plan that required Confederate citizens to pledge loyalty to the Union.
What is the Ten Percent Plan?
The Amendment that was passed during the Grant administration.
What is the 15th Amendment?
The main economic difference between the North and the South.
What is Industry vs Agriculture?
This crisis caused one of the first physical conflicts of the Civil War.
What is the Fort Sumter Crisis?
This battle was the bloodiest battle in American military history.
What is the Battle of Antietam?
The reason why Abraham Lincoln's plan for reconstruction was not put in place.
The Scandal where the vice president was involved with the Union Pacific Railroad company.
What is the Credit Union Scandal?
The biggest constitutional debate caused tensions to increase across the country (besides slavery).
What is States Rights vs Federal Rights?
This state was the first to secede from the Union.
What is South Carolina?
This Proclamation was given by Abraham Lincoln during the Battle of Gettysburg and "freed" the slaves.
What is the Emancipation Proclamation?
Who is Andrew Johnson?
This scandal forced the U.S Treasury to sell gold.
What is the Gold Ring Scandal?
The complex trail system to help runaway slaves escape to the North or Canada.
What is the Underground Railroad?
The Supreme Court case where a Missouri slave sued for his freedom, but was not allowed to since he was not a citizen.
What is Dred Scott vs Sanford?
This type of machine gun was first introduced in the Civil War.
What is the Gatling Gun?
These were two of the Radical Republicans' main objectives with reconstruction.
What is the harsh punishment for Confederate leaders and voting rights for African Americans?
This compromise had Hayes become president but also ended Reconstruction and removed federal troops from the South.
What is The Great Compromise?
The pamphlet that helped educate the North on the cruelty of slavery.
What is Uncle Tom's cabin?
The reason why John Brown did not have any reinforcements to help in his raid on Harper's Ferry.
What is Harriet Tubman was sick and could not rally support to join the raid?
This new type of weapon/vehicle was first used in the Civil War.
What is a submarine?
This group started to form in opposition to reconstruction.
What is the KKK?
This election officially ended the Reconstruction Era.
What is the election of 1876?