What did Southern states threaten to do if Abraham Lincoln was elected president?
Secede (leave) from the United States
How many states made up the Confederacy?
11 - South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Texas, Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, and Tennessee
Who was President when Reconstruction started?
Andrew Johnson
What did the 13th Amendment do?
Outlawed slavery everywhere in the United States
What were Southerners worried the Republican would do if they came to power in the U.S. government?
Make slavery illegal
What was the first state to secede from the United States?
South Carolina
What was the main way Texas helped the Confederacy during the Civil War?
It acted as the main supplier for the Confederacy
How would you define Recontruction?
The rebuilding and reunification of the South with the rest of the United States
What did the 14th Amendment do?
Granted citizenship to African Americans
What was the Northern economy based around? What was the Southern economy based around?
Northern Economy - Industry
Southern Economy - Agriculture
Why was Sam Houston removed as Governor prior to the Civil War?
He refused to take the oath for Confederate office
What was the last battle of the Civil War and when did it occur?
Battle of Palmito Ranch - May 13, 1865
What was the Freedman's Bureau created to do?
Help former slaves transition into to society
What did the 15th Amendment do?
Gave African American males the right to vote
What was the Conscription Act?
Law that require all men ages 18-35 to serve in the Confederate Army
What were the three issues that caused major tension between the North and the South?
Tariffs, State's Rights, and Slavery
Where did General Robert E. Lee surrender to General Ulysses S. Grant? When?
Appomattox Courthouse, April 9, 1865
What were Black Codes
Laws designed to limit the rights of African Americans
Which Amendment allowed African Americans to run for political office?
The 15th Amendment
Who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln?
John Wilkes Booth
What was the Ordinance of Succession?
Document that stated the U.S. had abused its power by interfering with Texas interests and and stated that it had the right to free itself from them
What was the Union's three-part strategy to defeat the Confederacy?
1. Cut the Confederacy in half by taking the Mississippi River
2. Capture the Confederate capital, Richmond, Virginia
3. Form a blockade around the entire Confederate coastline
What was a difference between Tenant Farming and Sharecropping?
Tenant Farmers only rented land while sharecroppers rented land, a house, farming supplies, etc.
Tenant Farmers got to control what they grew and the price they sold it while sharecroppers couldn't
What are the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments sometimes called?
The Reconstruction Amendments
What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?
Freed all the slaves in the Confederacy