The state number of Kansas
What is 34
The largest battle in Kansas during the Civil War was located at
Mine Creek
These people had suffrage under the Wyandotte Constitution
Who are white men over 21
These two cities were major targets of General Price's raid
Where are St. Louis and Jefferson City
The right to vote
What is Suffrage
The side most Kansans supported in the Civil War
What is the Union
General Price gathered supplies and THIS other thing on his travels through Missouri
Who are new recruits/soldiers
This person is known for being the first Senator in Kansas and organizing the frontier guard
Who is James Lane
Order 11 required people to evacuate from counties in this state
Where is Missouri
To leave or break away from an organization
The birthday of Kansas
When is January 29th 1861
A year into the war, African Americans were allowed to serve in the war. What was the name of the first African American Regiment?
Women contributed to the war effort by (list at least 1 major reason)
What is working as nurses
What is raising money and supplies
What is disguising themselves to fight
What is working as spies and scouts
This city was home to famous Kansans like Charles Robinson and James Lane
A legal document that sets out the rules, legal, and political foundations of a country
What is a constitution
What is Ad Astra per Aspera
This Confederate Guerrilla attacked Lawrence, killing all the men in the city
Who is Quantrill
This person is known for being our first Governor
Who is Charles Robinson
This famous place took 37 years to build
What is the capitol building
A small nonmilitary fighter
What is a Guerilla
Kansas is known for this major crop
This person is known for being the Confederate leader at Mine Creek
Who is Sterling Price
This person became president in 1860
Who is Abraham Lincoln
The Union refers to the states that are directionally
What is North?
The representative who is tasked with overseeing state issues
Who is the Governor