How long did the civil war last?
4 years, 1 months, and 2 weeks
What was the capital of the Union?
Washington D.C.
Who was the president of the Union?
Which side was pro slavery in the Civil war?
The South
Was Lincon a Democrat or a Republican?
The Civil war started on:
April 12th, 1861
What was the capital of the South?
Who was the best confederate general?
Robert E. Lee
Which side was poorly equipped?
The South
Which party was more popular, the Republicans or the Democrats?
The Civil war ended on:
April 9th, 1865
Largest city in all of the US at the outbreak of the civil war?
New York
Who was the best union general?
Ulysses S. Grant
What did the Union wear and what did the South wear?
Union wore uniforms
Southerners often wore random clothes that were grey.
When could Lincoln have signed for peace?
Any point in the war.
The war started when:
The Confederates fired on Fort Sumpter
What was the first captured major Confederate city?
New Orleans
Which Union general captured Atlanta?
General William T. Sherman
Cornbread and bacon, almost every meal.
Why did Robert E. Lee fight for the South, despite being a Union general?
He felt the need to defend his birthplace.
Where was the surrender for the war signed?
Appomattox Court House
What city did the Confederates try to push to encircle?
Washington D.C.
Who was the 'General of the Army' in the North?
Ulysses S. Grant
Where was the only Iron mill in the South?
Tredegar Iron Works, in Richmond.
What was the main reason for the Civil war?