What was the bloodiest battle?
What number President was Abraham Lincoln?
The 16th President
What state is Washington D.C. in?
Who wore blue?
The Union
Was the 54th part of the Confederacy or Union?
The Union
In what Battle did Robert Gould Shaw get grazed in the neck by a bullet?
The Battle of Antietam
Who did Abraham Lincoln want to free?
The Slaves
What border state has another state's name in it?
West Virginia
who were the rebels?
The Confederacy
Who was in charge of the 54th?
Robert Gould Shaw
In what city were the first shots fired?
Charleston, South Carolina
Who killed Abraham Lincoln?
John Wilkes Booth
What border state is named after a river?
What was the Union's strategy?
The Anaconda
In what battle did the 54th lose most of its soldiers?
The Battle of Fort Wagner
The Battle of Vicksburg
What was the famous speech Lincoln gave after the war?
Gettysburg Address
Who was a previous commander of the union?
George McClellan
True or False: All of the African Americans on the 54th were slaves
In what town did Lee surrender?
Appomattox Court House, Virginia
When Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation, what did it not do? (2)
1 It didn’t apply to border states
2 It didn’t apply to Confederate areas already under Union military control
What state is famous for Jazz and Blues music?
What are the strengths of the Confederacy? (list all)
1. A psychological advantage
2. Strong Military tradition
3. Familiar ground
What city were they commanded to burn down?
Darien, Georgia