When did the Civil War end?
The American Civil War ended in April 1865
What was the capital of the Confederacy.
What led to the abolition of slavery?
The Union victory eventually led to the abolition of slavery throughout the United States
What was a person called who wanted to end slavery?
An abolitionist was a person who wanted to end slavery.
What is the name of the Confederate ship?
the Merrimack
What is the name of the Union ship?
the Monitor
What were states called that would not allow slavery before the Civil War?
Free states did not permit slavery before the Civil War.
Who played a major role in the Battle of Bull Run?
General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
What two cities were near the sea battle fought in Virginia waters.
Norfolk and Hampton
What was one battle of the Civil War?
There were several battles in the Civil War and they were the Battle of Bull Run, the Battle of Fredericksburg, the Battle of the Monitor and the Merrimack, and the Battle of Appomattox.