The start of the Civil War
Fort Sumter
Leader of the Union
Warships with iron armor
Said that all men are created equal
Gettysburg Address
Pop singer that became a billionaire in 2024
Taylor Swift
Bloodiest single-day battle
Leader of the Confederate army
Robert. E. Lee
Cone-shaped or conoidal bullets that increased the death count
Minie Ball
Said that soldiers died for a new birth of freedom
Gettysburg Address
Performed at the Superbowl 2025
Kendrick Lamar
Ulysses S. Grant
Moved troops and reinforcements
Said that secession is based on states rights
Jefferson Davis's Farewell Address
Beefing with Drake
Kendrick Lamar
The move where a Confederate commander led his troops up a hill and got destroyed by cannons.
Pickett's Charge
Woman who introduced new cleaning methods to hosptitals
Clara Barton
Sharp spears on the tops of guns
Said that all slaves are free in states fighting against the Union
The Emancipation Proclamation
Won 30+ Grammys
50k killed. The Confederacy never won another battle in the North ever again.
Said that secession is based on states rights
Jefferson Davis
Lincoln's Inaugural Address
Luke Combs