1820 Compromise that put a geographic line for slavery
Missouri Compromise
Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. This was in response to
This man was the president of the Confederacy
Jefferson Davis
This constitutional Amendment abolished slavery
This Vermont Senator has been the focus of national memes.
This Supreme Court Case ruled slavery eligible in all States, effectively making any legislation null/void
Dred Scott
This battle was Lee's attempt to surge into Union Territory. His failure ensured not Foreign intervention and caused the largest single day casualtes.
The head of the Confederate Army
This person was responsible for Lincoln's assassination
J W Boothe
The team representing the American Football Conference in the Superbowl Sunday is
KC Chiefs
This 1854 legislation was developed over the location of a railroad. It essentially ended the famous 1820 compromise
Kansas Nebraska Act
This was the first official battle of the Civil War
Bull Run
The head of the Union Army by the end of the war
U S Grant
During and Following the war thousands upon thousands of people settled in the west due to this 1862 legialation
Homestead Act
Who is currently the democrat majority leader of the senate
In 1852 The novel became the best seller of all time in proportion to the U.S. population.
Uncle Tom's Cabin
The attack of this federal fort was the unofficial start of the Civil War
Fort Sumpter
The Democratic Candidate for President in 1864 who Lincoln replaces as general multiple times
George McClellan
By the end of the Civil War the transcontinental railroad was nearly complete due to this 1963 Act
Pacific Railway Act
What is the value of President Biden's Covid Package
1.9 Trillion
This man organized an attack on Harper's Ferry in an effort to free slaves
John Brown
The Union conquering this capital of Virginia signified the end of the Civil War
Leader of 3 major compromises in the 19th century. His last being the compromise of 1850
Henry Clay
During the Civil war, the North East was flooded with ethnic diversity as immigrants by the millions came from which European Country
What is the name of the trading company that halted or limited the the purchasing of stock for the average person