The year Anesthesia was developed
Clara Barton
Who is a nurse during the Civil War, and the founder of the American Red Cross?
What is the system used to sort patients based on the severity of their injuries?
The year the American Red Cross was founded
William Green Thomas Morton
Who is the dentist who developed anesthesia, which became widespread during the Civil War?
Facial Reconstructive Surgery
What is a surgery that helps to repair or readjust a facial injury or deformity?
The Year William Hammond became General Surgeon
When is 1862?
Dorothea Dix
Who was the Superintendent of Army Nurses, who helped to raise awareness for the mentally ill?
War Ambulances
What are vehicles that transport wounded soldiers to the nearest medical tent or hospital?
The year the first ambulance system was set up in the Union's army.
What is 1862?
General Surgeon William Hammond
Who is the Surgeon General during the Civil War, who changed the medical field forever?
Banning of Mercury and Antimony-based medicine
What is the banning of all medicine that includes Mercury and/or Antimony, introduced by General Surgeon William Hammond?
The year the Letterman Plan became the official plan for the U.S. Union Army
When is 1864?
Johnathan Letterman
Who is the medical director of the Army during the Civil War, who introduced the use of ambulances and the triage system during war?
"Pavilion" Hospitals
What is a hospital, introduced by William Hammond, that contains one central hub and different spokes for each injury and disease?