Civil War
Westward Expansion
Industrial Revolution
Progressive Era

The the four long term causes of the Civil War!

What is Sectionalism, Slavery, Westward Expansion, and Breakdown of Compromise?


A northern who went to the south after the civil war for personal financial gain. 

What is a Carpetbagger?


The idea that Americans not only should but have the God given right to expanded west 

What is Manifest Destiny? 


Three business tycoons/monopoly holders of the industrial revolution

Who is Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford, Vanderbilt, Thomas Edison (Kinda)?


This person exposed the issues and problems of the industrial revolution, major corporations, and cities during the early 1900s. 

Bonus 100: Give a name of one

What is a Muckraker?

Ex: Upton Sinclair, Jacob Riis, Thomas Nast, Ida Tarbell


This abolitionist raided Harper's Ferry, Virginia as a slave revolt, one of the short term causes of the Civil War?

Who is John Brown?


A southern who worked with northerns during reconstruction, basically being a hypocrite. 

What is a Scalawag?


Provided that any adult citizen, or intended citizen, who had never borne arms against the U.S. government could claim 160 acres of surveyed government land

What is the Homestead Act?


Cramped, poorly lit, under ventilated houses that are usually without indoor plumbing.  

What are Tenement Housing?


The whole goal of the progressive era was to correct the mistakes of...

What is Monopolies/Trusts or The Industrial Revolution?


This plan was trying to divide and suffocate the south.

What is the Anaconda Plan?


Laws that tried to keep African Americans as second class citizens; removed/carried barriers of their rights.

What are Black Codes?


The law authorized the President to break up reservation land, which was held in common by the members of a tribe, into small allotments to be parceled out to individuals (Trying to ASSIMILATE Native Americans)

What is the Dawes Act?


This political cartoon shows the divide and HYPOCRYSY between these two groups.  

Who is Old v. New Immigrants?


This act authorized the federal government to institute proceedings against monopolies/trusts in order to dissolve them

What is the Sherman Anti-trust act


Admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state.  Outlawed slavery above the 36º 30' latitude line in the remainder of the Louisiana Territory. 

What is Missouri Compromise/Compromise of 1820?


This laws were to keep Plessy v. Ferguson intact. Separate but equal.

What are Jim Crow Laws?


Name three reasons why settlers moved west during westward expansion. 

What is New land, job opportunities, gold, racism/violence?


Nativists believed that Chinese immigrants were undercutting U.S.-born workers, leading to violence and exclusionary legislation.  And therefore lead to this law.

What is the Chinese Exclusion Act 


Organizations that provided support services to the urban poor and European immigrant in the United States. 

Bonus 100: Name the creator of these

What are Settlement Houses?

Jane Addams 


Repealed the Missouri Compromise/Compromise of 1820.  Admitted California to the United States as a “free” (no slavery) state but allowed some newly acquired territories to decide on slavery for themselves (popular sovereignty).

What is the Compromise of 1850?


This group pushed for immediate rights, education, and support for recently freed African Americans. (Hint: Political group of the 1800s, different from today)

Who are Radical Republicans?


This political party was trying to help westward farmers and settlers.  Reducing railroad rates and included people like William Jennings Bryant.  (Does not exist today?

What is the Populist Party?


Purchase of companies at all levels of production is this type of integration. 

(ex. the steel mill, the production factory, and the distribution centers)

(ex. Netflix originals) 

What is Vertical Intergration?


This term is pushing for no government intervention in business practices 

What is Laisse Faire?
