The Glorious Burden 1
The Glorious Burden 2
The Glorious Burden 3
Reconstruction: Impossible! 1
Reconstruction: Impossible! 2
The opening shots of the Civil War took place here.
What is Fort Sumter?
Constitutional amendment prohibiting all forms of slavery and involuntary servitude. Former Confederate States were required to ratify the amendment prior to gaining reentry into the Union.
What is the Thirteenth Amendment?
Site where Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant in April 1865 after almost a year of brutal fighting throughout Virginia in the “Wilderness Campaign.”
What is Appomattox Court House?
Disapproving term used by Southern whites to describe Northern businessmen and politicians who came to the South after the Civil War to work on Reconstruction projects or invest in Southern infrastructure.
What is a carpetbagger?
Prohibited states from denying citizens the franchise on account of race. It disappointed feminists who wanted the Amendment to include guarantees for women’s suffrage.
What is the Fifteenth Amendment?
Five slave states—Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, and West Virginia—that did not secede during the Civil War. To keep the states in the Union, Abraham Lincoln insisted that the war was not about abolishing slavery but rather protecting the Union.
What were Border States?
Diplomatic row that threatened to bring the British into the Civil War on the side of the Confederacy, after a Union warship stopped a British steamer and arrested two Confederate diplomats on board.
What was the Trent Affair?
Northern Democrats who obstructed the war effort attacking Abraham Lincoln, the draft and, after 1863, emancipation.
Who were Copperheads?
The greatest achievement of the Freedmen's Bureau was in this area.
What is education?
Passed by Congress following a wave of Ku Klux Klan violence, the acts banned clan membership, prohibited the use of intimidation to prevent blacks from voting, and gave the U.S. military the authority to enforce them.
What were the Force Acts?
Of all the hardships faced by the soldiers during the Civil War, the greatest was?
What is disease?
Civil War battle in Pennsylvania that ended in Union victory, spelling doom for the Confederacy, which never again managed to invade the North. Site of General George Pickett’s daring but doomed charge on the Northern lines.
What is the Battle of Gettysburg?
Petition requiring law enforcement officers to present detained individuals before the court to examine the legality of the arrest. Protects individuals from arbitrary state action. Suspended by Lincoln during the Civil War.
What is the writ of habeas corpus?
System of labor that replaced slavery.
What was sharecropping?
Southern Democratic politicians who sought to wrest control from Republican regimes in the South after Reconstruction.
What were the Redeemers?
Napolean III's attempt to install Maximilian on the Mexican throne was a clear violation of this.
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
Union general who constantly believed that the enemy outnumbered him.
Who was George McClellan?
The Cherokees' decision on whether to side with the North or South during the Civil War was based on?
What is the tribe's owning of slaves?
The incident that caused the clash between Congress and President Johnson to explode into the open was Johnson's veto of the bill to extend this.
What was the Freedmen's Bureau?
Passed by the newly elected Republican Congress, it divided the South into five military districts, disenfranchised former confederates, and required that Southern states both ratify the Fourteenth Amendment and write state constitutions guaranteeing freedmen the franchise before gaining readmission to the Union.
What was the Reconstruction Act?
The two major battles of the Civil War fought on Union soil were?
What is Gettysburg and Antietam?
The group in the North most dangerous to the Union cause was.
Who were the Peace Democrats?
In their book called "Republic of Suffering" this historian suggested that Civil War experiences with death and tragedy were key to the modernization of America, in terms of both scientific advancement and private belief.
Who is Drew Gilpin Faust?
The first and only ex-Confederate state to ratify the 14th Amendment in 1866 and thus be immediately admitted to the Union under congressional Reconstruction was?
What is Tennessee?
He became the first African-American to serve in the Senate.
Who was Hiram Revels?