Who was the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin?
Harriet Beecher Stowe
What is a compromise?
An agreement where both sides give up something to reach a solution.
What is the highest court in the land called?
The Supreme Court
What was a person who wanted to end slavery called?
An Abolitionist
Where were the majority of the factories in the US located?
Urban Northern States
Who was the President of the Confederacy?
Jefferson Davis
What was the Fugitive Slave Act?
A law that made it easier for slave owners to capture and return escaped slaves from the North
What does constitutional mean?
Something that is allowed or legal under the terms of the US Constitution.
What was the Underground Railroad?
A secret organization that helped slaves escape to freedom.
What was the invention that increased the demand for slavery?
The Cotton Jin
Who was a runaway slave and abolitionist who worked as a conductor on the Underground Railroad?
Harriet Tubman
What was the Missouri Compromise?
A compromise that created a line with free states to the north of it and slave states to the south of it.
Who became president after winning the election of 1860?
Abraham Lincon
Name three ways slaves resisted.
Facked injuries or sickness, fled or hid, refused to work
What does it mean to secede from a country or organization?
To formally withdraw membership
Who was an escaped slave who became an abolitionist and wrote an autobiography?
Fredrick Douglass
What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
It replaced the Missouri Compromise and created two territories.
What did the Supreme Court decide during the Dred Scott case?
That slaves were property and Congress could not take away a person's right to his property by passing a law
Name at least one way the abolitionists spread their ideas.
Newspaper's (The Liberator), Books, and Public Meetings.
What is the meaning of the word Bombardment?
A continuous attack with bombs missiles or other types of ammunition.
Who was the slave that led a rebellion against slave owners, and what happened to him?
Nat Turner
Name two events that led to the Civil War.
The Fugitive Slave Act, and the Kansas Nebraska Act
What were two major effects of the Compromise of 1850?
Slavery was outlawed in Washington, DC. The Fugitive Slave Law was passed.
Why was the South determined to keep their slaves?
Because most Southerners relied on farming and needed slaves to work the land.
Who led the attack on the U.S. government arsenal at Harpers Ferry, in the hopes of giving guns to slaves?
Jhon Brown