Comparisons/ Contrasts
(Before the Civil War)
Where was the Ft. Sumter battle?
It was in Charleston, South Carolina.
Name an advantage for both the North and the South.
(Possible answers): North; higher population, more control of the Mississippi River, skilled soldiers South; knew the land well, well-trained generals, fighting a defensive war
These four states were considered border states, which allow slavery, sympathize with the Confederacy (but were considered neutral), and live under Abraham Lincoln's government. (4)
What are; Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, and Missouri?
This was a compromise that stated any state above a certain border line was part of the Union and any state below it was Confederate.
What is the Missouri Compromise?
What were two of the problems caused by the Industrial Revolution?
-respiratory illnesses -workers were often injured -were not paid for injuries -work hours were long and tiring -children were forced to work as well -very unsanitary
Where was Bull Run?
It was in Manassas, Virginia.
What color the the Confederate's and Union's uniforms?
The Union wore blue and the Confederate wore grey.
This is what happens when states break away from the Union, as did South Carolina, the first state to do so.
What is secession?
This act was passed in 1850, declaring that any free black thought to be an escaped slave was to be arrested by governmental officials. They had no trial, but only if a white slaveowner or eyewitness swore they escaped.
What is The Fugitive Slave Act?
This woman assisted improve imprisonsonment conditions and creating mental asylums.
Who is Dorothy Dix?
This is a term in warfare meaning the amount of people killed, injured, or missing.
What is a casuality?
These people are the generals of the Union and the Confederate.
Who are; Ulysses S. Grant (Union) and Robert E. Lee (Confederate)?
These places are where the Union and Confederate's capitals and were located.
What is Washington, D.C. (Union) and Richmond, VA (Confederate)?
This act, passed in 1807,stopped slaves from being shipped in from Africa.
What is Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves?
This former president changed American Democracy by getting more of the common men to hold political power.
Who is Andrew Jackson?
What happened at the end of Bull Run battle?
The Union ran away and the Confederate were too tired to chase them.
Describe the appearances between the Union and Confederate flags.
Union: 13 white and red stripes; number of whit stars was constantly changing. Connfederate: red, with a dark blue X on it and white stars inside the X (13 stars)
On the map, this state was formerly Indian Territroy.
What is Oklahaoma?
This man led a revolt against slavery, killing 60 whites,in 1831; however, local miltary reacted, killing mostly innocent blacks.
Who is Nat Turner?
The the belief that white Europeans were destined to own the land stretching between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
What is manifest destiny?
Where was the Battle of Antietam, and was signifigant about it?
Near Sharpsburg, Maryland and it was the bloodiest Civil War battle in American history.
Name 2 North and 2 South disadvantages.
North; had to invade Southern land, were more divisive due to the political differences between republicans and demmocrats South; less skilled than the North, less population,1/3 of the population was enslaved
List all Union and Confederate states.
Union; Pennysylvania, New York, West Virginia, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachussetts, Maine, Conneticut, Rhode Island, Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, Kansas, Oregon, California| Confederate; Virginia, Texas, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, North Caroina, South Carolina, Tennesee, Louisiana, Arkansas
This act was passed on the first of January, saying that all slaves in rebellious staes should be free, but only referred to seceeded states, exempted states under Union control, and depended on Union victory in the military.
What is the Emancipation Proclamation?
People favored ___________ or __________ during this movement (needed to be controlled because wives and children were suffering from having a hubsand or father that came home intoxicated)
prohibition, temperance