ironclad warships
Artillery development
Gatling gun
The rifled musket
Minie ball

This weapon sunk the most ships

what are mines?


Had the most deaths

what is the minie ball 


This early form of rapid fire weapon was invented during the civil war but saw limited use due to logistical challenges.

What is the Gatling gun.

This technological advancement in infantry weapons during the civil war greatly increased accuracy and range compared to smooth bore musket

what is the rifled musket


This innovation in ammunition revolutionized infantry warfare during the civil war, increasing range and accuracy compared to traditional round balls.

what is the minie ball?


This ironclad warship, their first to engage in battle with another ironclad, fought the battle of Hampton roads

what is css Virgina / merrimack


The development of this type of artillery ammunition during the Civil War greatly increased the range and accuracy of cannon fire.

What are rifled artillery shells?


This inventor  created with the invention of the Gatling gun 

who is Richard Gatling?


this type of musket used during the civil war had spiral grooves inside the barrel to improve accuracy.

what is the rifled musket?


This side had greater access to the minie balls

what is the union?


this union ironclad warship named after state capital, was one of the most famous of its kind during the civil war

what is USS monitor 


 This Union general is credited with developing the massed artillery tactic, concentrating large numbers of cannons for devastating barrages against enemy positions.

Who is Henry Hunt?


The Gatling gun was one of the earliest types of this kind of weapon?

What is a rapid-fire weapon?


The adoption of rifled musket led to significant increased in this battlefield tactic during the civil war.

What is long range and/or accuracy?


the adoption of the minie ball led to a significant of this type of injury among civil war soldiers.

what are limb amputations and infections.


this Confederate ironclad warship, originally a wooden vessel, was armored with railroad iron plates

what is the CCS Virginia/Merrimack

 This Union general was responsible for the creation of the Army of the Potomac's artillery reserve, which played a vital role in many battles of the Civil War.

Who is George B. McClellan?


Despite its inventions during the civil war, Gatling gun did not see widespread use until this later conflict.

Hint: Spanish

What is the Spanish-American war?


Rifled musket were used by both sides during the civil war, but this side had greater access to them due to industrial advantages.

what is not the confederates ?


The widespread of use of the minie balls contributed to high death rates during the  civil war battles as it caused more severe wounds than previous ammunition types.

what are high casualty rates?


This Union ironclad warship was instrumental in the capture of new Orlando in 1862. Named after a state

what is the USS Mississippi?


This Confederate general was known for his effective use of artillery, often employing it in a defensive strategy that became known as "Flying Artillery."

Who is John Pelham?


This feature of the Gatling gun allowed it to fire continuously without the need to reload after each shot

what is the revolving barrel mechanism?


This term refers to the type of projectile fried by rifled muskets, which spun through the air for greater stability and accuracy.

What is the minie ball?


Named after its French inventor, this projectile featured a conical shape an a hollow base that expanded upon firing, effectively sealing the barrel and improving accuracy.

who s Claude Etienne Minie?
