Name the modern day country that Mesopotamia is founded
What is iraq
Who was the first akkadian King.
Who is Sargon.
What did the Assyrian's army include to help win the war.
What is the meaning behind the name mesopotamia
What is the land between rivers
About how many laws did Hammurabi's code include.
What is 300.
What did the Assyrians do to make ruleing easier.
What is provinces.
Name one social class in the second highest of the pyramid.
What is Priests, Scribes, Merchants, and/or Artisans.
Around when did the Hammurabi's empire collapse.
What is 1800 bce
Who lead the Persians to victory over the Medes.
What did Mesopotamia use before cuneiform?
What is Pictographs.
Who made issued the world's first known law code.
Who is Ur-Nammu
Where did Cambyses fail to capture.
What is Kush.
What was the first Mesopotamian city?
What is Uruk.
What time around did Sargon die that made the empire collapse.
2300 BCE
Who introduced the common currency for the Persian Empire.
Who is Darius.