What was another way of calling the Preclasic era?
It was also called the Formative period.
When did it start?
300 A.D.
When did it start?
950 A.D.
when was the calendar created?
It was created in the year 8,000 BC.
Main economic activity of the classic period:
Where did the preclassic period originate?
It happened in Mesoamérica.
When did it end?
950 A.D.
When did it end?
1521 A.D.
What monument was made in the classic period?
chichen itza
Names of the territories that divided Mexico:
When did it start?
When did it end?
1500 B.S.
300 A.D.
Where did the classical period flourish?
Teotihuacan (Mexico state), Oaxaca, and Guatemala.
Why was the post-classical period important?
It was of great importance because this was the last. period for the independent cultures of Mesoamérica.
What was the Triple Alianza?
The Aliance of Tlacopan, Texcoco and Tenochtitlan. Which formed the Aztecs.
Locate Aridoamerica:
What civilization created this structure?
Mention 2 important civilizations of the classic:
Zapotec and Totonac
Why did the post-classic period end?
It ended after the Spanish arrived and solidified with .The fall of Tenotchtitlan.
what was the ancient game that was played in the pre-classical period?
El juego de pelota.
Share 2 things you've learned from this jeopardy
(up to the game host)
Mention 2 important civilizations of the preclassic:
The Olmec, Teotihucan and Mayan civilizations
Mention 2 important feats of engeneering done in the classic period:
Chinampas, the wheel, axle and temples
What was the basis of the economy during the lost post-classic?
The Agriculture and trueque.
The Mayas were famous for creating a ______ and grasping the concept of ______.
(1)Written language
Mention 1 fun fact about each period:
(Up to the game host)