What is CJCC phone number?
What is employee in charge?
Chest Compressions & Rescue Breathing
What is CPR?
Documentation for an Injury
What is an Accident Report?
Our channel used to communicate throughout the building
What is channel 3?
What is the police non-emergency number?
What is an automated external defibrillator?
Rigid, Involuntary Body Movements
What is a seizure?
Documentation for security issues
What is an Incident Report?
CJCC’S Emergency Meeting Spot
What is University Park?
PP&R Security and Support Team
What/Who are Park Rangers?
What is Personal Protective Equipment? (gloves, mask, eye protection)
Store used needles and razors here
What is a sharps container?
Documentation for Injuries That are Less Than a Bloody Nose
What is a Bumps & Bruises Form?
Doors are locked to Keep The Public Inside
What is a Lockin?
Number to call for Social Services?
What is 211?
What is an emergency action plan?
Spray that reverses opioids and overdoses
What is Narcan? or Naloxone?
Active Shooter emergency code
What is Code Blue?
Doors are Locked to Keep The Public Outside
What is a Lockout?
CJCC is a registered "____" place.
What is a Safe Place?
Ages 9-17
What is an emergency medical technician?
“______ Free” Zone in Preschool and Camps
What is nut or peanut?
All Clear/Safe Password
What is Pickles?
PPR & CJCC Rules for Patrons & Employees
What is the Code of Conduct?