Wednesday, August 22nd
What is the first day of school?
Place where you will find ODJFS rules binder?
Where is 'on top of the employee mailboxes'?
What is monthly?
Number of years Capable Kids has been around
What is 14+?
Location of the IEP binder
What is 'top drawer of Heather's file cabinet'?
The first day of supplemental sessions
What is Monday, August 27th?
Upon arrival, prior to preparing food, after changing a diaper, after using the restroom
When are you required to wash your hands?
9:10 am
What time does car line end?
The "father of Applied Behavior Analysis"
Who is B.F. Skinner?
Location of Emergency Medical forms (Master Template)
Where is 'on top of employee mailboxes'?
The first field trip
Where is Johnston Apple Orchard?
On a napkin, paper tower or plate
Where must any food be placed?
Day of the week for afternoon music with Miss Cheryl
What is Thursday?
The first two CK employees (after Heather)
Who are Shawn & Amy?
Where to write supplies needed?
School Picture Day
What is Monday, September 24th?
Three things taken on every field trip or walk
What are First aid kit, cell phone, emergency medical forms?
Day of the week that fields trips typically occur
Who is Larry A Miller?
Location of cleaning supplies
What is storage closet by the cubbies?
Number of kiddos enrolled for school day program
What is 23?
What are outlet covers?
Beginning time for car line
What is 8:50 am?
The church with CK first help groups
What is McCord Road Christian Church?
Location of "Master" First Aid kit