What are the 7 functions of the kidneys?
•A – controlling ACID-base balance.
•W – controlling WATER balance.
•E – maintaining ELECTROLYTE balance.
•T – removing TOXINS and waste products from the body.
•B – controlling BLOOD PRESSURE.
•E – producing the hormone ERYTHROPOIETIN.
•D – activating vitamin D.
What are the GFR levels for Stage1 and Stage 2?
Stage 1 90ml/min
Stage 2 60-89ml/min- mild disease
What is the role of the nephron?
he nephrons work through a two-step process: the glomerulus filters your blood, and the tubule returns needed substances to your blood and removes wastes.
What are the substages of stage 3
3A GFR 45-59ml/min
3b 30-mm/min
What are oral manifestions associated with CKD/ERSD
•Gingival Hyperplasia
•Altered Taste sensation
•Ammonia smelling breath
•Uremic stomatitis
•Renal Osteodystrophy
•Paleness of oral mucosa
In which stage or stages would you need dialysis?
Stage 4 and Stage 5
What medication should be avoided for a patient CKD?
NSAID and Tetracylines
What is the difference between hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis?
Hemodialysis- blood is sent thorough a machine that filers waste. Purified blood is retuned to the body through an arteriovenous shunt.
3x week for 3-4 hours each visit. Patients are given heparin to ease blood exchange and prevent clotting.
Peritoneal Dialysis- fluid called dialysate is delivered daily into the abdominal cavity via a catheter to capture waste products from the blood. Allows toxic solutes to diffuse from the peritoneal capillaries to the dialystate. Then is drained away after a few hours.
Which conditions or disease are associated with CKD?