to send a rocket into outer space
The rocket ship that took three American astronauts to the moon in 1969
Apollo 11
Although it may appear different the Sun is technically one of these
a star
Which planet is the smallest and fastest in our solar system?
carrying and operated by people
Does gravity push objects away or pull them closer?
Pull them closer
Where did the Apollo 11 rocket ship land?
The Moon
What is a star made out of?
Which planet has a giant storm in the middle that looks like a big red dot
a manned or unmanned vehicle designed to travel into space for research and exploration
Why does the Moon have so many craters?
It does not have an atmosphere
Name one of the three American astronauts on Apollo 11
Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Michael Collins
Why does the Sun look so different from other stars?
The Sun is closer to Earth
What two planets have rings?
Saturn and Uranus
a place used to observe the sun, moon, stars, and outerspace
How is the Earth protected from asteroids?
We have an atmosphere
In what year did the Apollo 11 land on the moon
True or false: the Sun is at the center of our solar system
True (our solar system is heliocentric)
Which planet is known as Earths sister planet?
he pieces left over when something is destroyed or broken
True or False: all matter has a gravitational pull
The first American to walk on the moon
Neil Armstrong
What star is hotter.... A yellow and orange star or a blue star?
Blue Star
What is the only planet humans have sent space crafts/rovers too?