What animal hatches from an egg in a larva stage as a caterpillar?
Why did people want to travel west?
They wanted a better life.
How many legs does an insect have?
Harriet Tubman
What are the tiny things that make up your body? They are so small they have to be seen through a microscooe.
What is a life cycle?
The stages that any living thing goes through from birth to death.
What do you call a group of wagons traveling together?
wagon train
What is the only habitat where insects don't live?
What is another name for large farms where crops are raised?
What is the largest organ in the human body?
What animal starts its life with gills and changes into a four legged adult with lungs?
What was the Pony Express?
A way of delivering mail (on land) from Missouri to California.
head, thorax, abdomen
What is a civil war?
Fighting or a war between groups of people or regions within the same country.
Digestive system
What causes daytime and nighttime?
The Earth rotates.
What was the path through the wildnerness that pioneers used to travel west?
Oregon Trail
What do you call the stages that an insect goes through from egg, to larva, to pupa, to adult?
Clara Barton started the American Red Cross. What did the Red Cross do for people?
The Amerian Red Cross provided food, medical supplies and aid (help) to people during natural disasters.
Which organ in the excretory system helps balance the amount of water in your body?
Name a form of precipitation.
Rain, snow, sleet, hail
What was the name of the rail system that went all the way across the United States from the east coast to the west coast?
Transcontinental Railroad
What do you call insects that live by themselves?
What did the Emancipation Proclomation do?
It freed slaves and allowed African American men to join the war and fight for the Union Army.
Name 3 of the 4 main nutrients that your body needs in order to be healthy.
Carbohydrates, proteins, water, fats