Honeybees and wasps are solitary insects.
What is different about an insects exoskeleton and a humans skeleton?
An insect's exoskeleton is a hard covering on the outside of their bodies, and a human's skeleton is located inside of their bodies.
A plant or animal on which another living thing lives on
Insects _______ so they can grow.
Everyone in my class worked together to earn our reward.
What's another word we could use to replace the italicized words?
Spiders are insects.
Honeybee communities are called colonies, what is the name of the mother of the honeybee colony?
Queen bee
another word for enemy
The thick ________ on beetles protect them from being squashed by larger animals
The germs on our skin are very, very tiny.
What's another word we could use to replace the italicized words?
Insects use their antennae to smell and feel.
What are some ways that insects communicate with one another?
Grasshoppers, locusts, and crickets all make sounds by rubbing body parts together, sometimes two wings and sometimes a leg and a wing. Fireflies are silent communicators, flashing their glowing lights back and forth.
living alone or in pairs
Termites are very ________, they cause a lot of damage to some buildings.
The glass was see through so that we could all look in at the sleeping babies in the nursery.
What's another word we could use to replace the italicized words?
Insects live in every habitat on Earth, except the ocean.
Name the four stages of metamorphosis
egg, larva, pupa, adult
living together in organized communities
The caterpillar went through a _________ and turned into a butterfly.
There is lots of yellow powder from plants floating through the air today.
What's another word we could use to replace the italicized words?
Insects have eight legs and five main body parts.
What is the problem with spraying pesticides on crops to get rid of bugs destroying the crops?
Pesticides can destroy both harmful and helpful insects. Frogs and birds may eat the poisoned insects and become sick, too. They may even die. Pesticides have killed pollinators like the honeybee. Without pollinators, plants cannot make seeds to grow new plants or produce fruits. With fewer plants, fewer insects are able to survive.
a person who studies or is an expert on insects
Fireflies communicate with each other using _________.
Insects have long, thin sensory appendages on their heads that help them smell and feel.