I was an enslaved African that escaped to Pennsylvania to gain my freedom.
Harriet Tubman
What was so important about the group of stars known as the "drinking gourd"?
They showed the way to the North and to freedom.
people who worked to abolish, or end, slavery
There were many large cotton ______ in the South before the Civil War.
Jorge’s father always stressed the useful or importance of getting a good education.
What's another word we could use to replace the italicized words?
I commanded the Union Army.
Ulysses S. Grant
This person was an enslaved person that escaped to freedom and later became a famous Underground Railroad conductor and abolitionist.
Harriet Tubman
the practice of forcing people to work without pay, and denying them the freedom to decide how to live their lives
The ______ was prepared to fight to keep the states together.
The balloon may pop if it becomes to great in size and spreads out too much.
What's another word we could use to replace the italicized words?
I founded the American Red Cross.
Clara Barton
I am one of the main issues that caused the U.S. Civil War. What am I?
a problem or topic that people are talking about and may disagree about
The _______ was prepared to fight to keep the South’s way of life.
The nickname of the Confederate soldiers became known for their loud battle cry.
What's another word we could use to replace the italicized words?
I surrendered to General Grant at Appomattox.
Robert E. Lee
Why did southern states secede, or break away from, the United States?
These states supported slavery, and all believed that the U.S. government, under Lincoln, would force them into doing things they did not want to do, such as abolish slavery. These southern states intensely believed that they should be in charge of themselves.
the system in which people make, buy, sell, and trade items or their services
A ______ is a war between different groups of people or regions within one country.
civil war
President Lincoln used many people who give suggestions or advice to help him make decisions during his presidency.
What's another word we could use to replace the italicized words?
I was president during the U.S. Civil War.
Abraham Lincoln
I helped wounded soldiers get medical supplies and care when they needed it most and became known as the "Angel of the Battlefield."
Clara Barton
an official statement from President Lincoln that said slavery would be abolished in the Confederate states
Emancipation Proclamation
When a team loses a game, we say that they experienced ________.
The nickname for the Union soldiers fought in President Lincoln's army.
What's another word we could use to replace the italicized words?