Middle Ages 1
Middle Ages 2
Middle Ages 3
Middle Ages 4
Middle Ages 5

What does the word determination mean?

a quality that makes someone keep trying to do something, even if it is difficult


How is the Bayeux Tapestry useful to historians today?

A lot of what is known about the Battle of Hastings is shown on the tapestry


Why might England have experienced a period of turmoil after the death of William?

William was a very powerful leader who controlled many things. When he died, there wasn’t anyone else as powerful and able to rule the way he did. “Power hungry nobles fought each other, and some even challenged the ruling kings.”


What did King Henry say about Thomas Becket at a royal dinner, with many nobles in attendance?

King Henry said, “Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?”


What were the Crusades?

The Crusades were attempts by people in Europe, commanded by the pope and kings in Europe, to reclaim the holy city of Jerusalem from the Muslims.


Which side had more soldiers?

the Normans; “The English soldiers, led by their king, Harold, stood at least 7,000 strong” and “The Normans, who came from a region of France, had approximately 10,000 men.” Ten thousand is more than 7,000, so the Normans had more.


What is the Bayeux Tapestry?

The Bayeux Tapestry is an embroidered cloth that tells the story of the Norman Conquest, or the Battle of Hastings.


Based on the context in which it is used, what does turmoil mean?

unrest, confusion


How did Thomas Becket react to King Henry’s plan to reduce the power of the Church?

Thomas Becket disagreed.


What was the nickname given to Eleanor and Henry’s oldest son, Richard, and how did he earn it?

Richard the Lion-Hearted; he was very brave.


Why did the Battle of Hastings take place?

There was a disagreement about who was the proper king of England and, because only one person could be king, they fought to determine who would become king.


What happened in Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day in 1066?

William, Duke of Normandy, was crowned King William I of England.


To whom is the author referring in the first line when they say, “The great conqueror is dead”?

King William I, who was known as William the Conqueror


Why did King Henry II appoint Thomas Becket the archbishop of Canterbury?

King Henry wanted to control the power of the Church, and he thought his friendship with Thomas Becket would help him do this. The archbishop of Canterbury was the most powerful Church leader in England.


What does the word plotted mean here?



After defeating the English army, what did William and the Normans have to do before William could pronounce himself king?

They had to march to the capital city of London.


How could the information in the Domesday Book be useful to historians today?

It provides information about the different counties, or areas, of England, and it provides information about the property people owned at the time.


How did the Battle of Hastings change history?

it gave England a new king, and that it changed the language spoken in England


What does it mean to hear a case?

When a judge hears a case, they listen to all the evidence and then makes a decision.


Who was Eleanor of Aquitaine?

She was married to Henry II, and had previously been married to the king of France


What happened that made it possible for William and the Norman soldiers to take over the English?

The Normans attacked the English shield wall and then retreated several times. When the English soldiers saw the Normans retreating, they pursued them, creating a break in the wall. This made it possible for the Normans to penetrate the English front and ultimately win.


What is recorded in the Domesday Book and why did William want this information?

It is a record of the property people owned throughout England. William wanted the information to figure how much he could collect in taxes


How did family members assist a young archer?

His older brother gave the archer his first longbow and set of arrows; his mother made his quiver; his father, grandfather, and uncle were all skillful archers, meaning he could learn from them.


What was the name of the tax that King Henry imposed, or made the nobles pay? How did this differ from the practice earlier in the Middle Ages?

the shield tax; nobles and knights had been required to serve in the king’s army themselves


Four knights who attended King Henry’s royal dinner heard the statement made by King Henry and decided to take action. What did they do?

The four knights assassinated Thomas Becket as he was kneeling in prayer in Canterbury Cathedral.


What were some of the positive things that resulted from the Crusades?

As a result of the Crusades, trading relationships developed between Europe and the Middle East, and there was an exchange of knowledge, especially in the fields of science, mathematics, art, and architecture.


Would a trip from Europe to Jerusalem during the Middle Ages have been easy or difficult? Why?

difficult because it took two years to travel there; crusaders had to travel over both land and sea; they experienced very hot and very cold temperatures; many travelers became sick on the journey 


Who was King Henry II?

He was an important king in the history of England.


Why was King Henry II so important?

King Henry accomplished many things during his reign, including instituting a tax on nobles, reforming the judicial system, and trying to reduce the power of the Church.


How did King Henry II reform the judicial, or court, system?

He eliminated trial by ordeal, established circuit courts, and helped develop common law, or the law of the land, based on decisions made by circuit court judges.


What events led to the assassination of Thomas Becket?

King Henry became frustrated with Thomas Becket for not agreeing with him to reduce the power of the Church. At a royal dinner attended by many nobles, King Henry said, “Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?” After that, four knights who had heard the king’s remarks killed Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral.


How did the pope and King Henry each respond to Thomas Becket’s murder?

The pope declared Thomas Becket a very holy person. King Henry was upset and felt it was his fault that his friend was killed, and he never forgave himself for Becket’s death.


What do the words orthodox and catholic mean?

Orthodox means “correct”; catholic means “universal.”


How did Christians in the Middle Ages celebrate holy days? Holy days were divided into what categories?

by going to church; feasting or fasting


Why do you think it took so long to build the medieval cathedrals?

Answers may vary, but may focus on the elaborate nature of the buildings’ features, the immense size of the buildings, and the unavailability of certain equipment and machines that exist today.
