Jon, Sam, Danny, Lonny
sam geller _______ her wrapping papers
(arguably) best way to hide alcohol in your bunk
mouthwash + food coloring
there were pictures of sydney hooking up with this person at an early camp party and she really wanted the pictures off facebook
danny steinmetz
people from our division stole this from the mini social hall
name the boy in our division who has hooked up with the most of us
alex ashkinos
allison was scared that we'd never be able to ______ again after a meeting with Ilene
eat apples
_____ and ______ threw up one night SIT summer and jackie punished us by holding our phones hostage
genna and halle
TYC summer, several of us went to this venue for a concert that could've ended better
Saratoga Springs
What did "breakfast in bed" mean?
jackie bringing bacon in the bunk
size of david padover's shoes
size 15
common drug that boys side would take for all day swims
sydney, alyx, and kelly got drunk and went to ______
hidden lake
alyx, erica, and danny did NOT do this
have a threesome
our teen summer milk call alma was written to the tune of...
what summer did jon schneider begin staying full
admin table
best camp alcohol mixer starting 2011
crystal lite
the israeli camp that lived on our territory SIT summer
this counselor gave us the idea to hide bunk 28's chairs senior summer
carly schultz
recite the poem that lonny wrote to dump bridgette
roses are red, violets are blue, garbage is dumped, and so are you
how did weed chocolate bars get on camp in 2013?
boys had them shipped and sent to kelly in the office
jen, z, liebs, jackie, carly came to the teen bunks wasted one night in 2010. which admin came, and what did we tell them
Bonnie / dance party
we stopped here on the way back to camp after the goo goo dolls concert
what do casey, kelly, sydney, allison, and bridgette have in common?
lost their virginity at camp