He is a giant and very friendly red dog.
Who is Clifford.
Jesus rose from the dead on this day of the week.
What is Sunday?
New Orleans, best known for it's Mardi Gras celebration, is the home of Tiana in this Disney movie.
What is the Princess and the Frog.
This ocean is found on the East coast of the United States of America. If you go to the beach in Maine, you are playing in it.
What is the Atlantic Ocean.
This animal is referred to as the King of the Jungle.
What is a lion.
This is the scientist bad guy in Captain Underpants.
Professor Pippy Pee Pee Poopypants.
There are this many commandments in the Bible
What is ten?
In this musical Disney movie, Antonio can communicate with animals.
What is Encanto.
Hawaii is know for it's volcanos. When they erupt, what hot substance gets spit into the air?
What is lava.
These animals live in the desert because they can go a week without drinking water.
What is a camel.
This is how Dog Man's head is attached.
What is sewed on.
This is how long it took God to create the Earth.
What is six days.
This day of the year is know as Star Wars day.
What is May the 4th.
This is the fastest animal in the world.
What is a cheetah.
This cartoon character lives in a pineapple under the sea.
Who is Sponge Bob.
What item of food was found on the basketball court in Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
What is "the cheese"
This was the home of Adam and Eve.
What is the Garden of Eden.
This Disney Princess was actually a real person in America a long time ago.
Who is Pocahontas.
The name that we call a baby kangaroo.
What is a Joey.
He is the blue Hedgehog who can run very fast.
Who is Sonic?
His "Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" begins when he wakes up with gum in his hair.
Who is Alexander.
When Noah was on the Ark, it rained for this many days and nights.
What is 40.
The movie Happy Feet stars this type of penguin. Hint, they are the biggest kind of penguin.
What is Emperor Penguins.
The part of their body that butterflies use to taste things. It's not their tongues by the way.
What is their feet.
This type of dinosaur has three horns on its head.
What is a triceratops.