Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
What is EDI?
A key figure for the American Civil Rights Movement who became active in 1955, who had given a prominent speech, "I have a dream"
Who is Martin Luther King Jr.?
The group that organizes our EDI meetings
What is the EDI Committee?
A social movement that advocates against inequity faced by black people
What is Black Lives Matter?
An element of the Constitution created in 1982, which protects and promotes the rights and liberties of Canadians
What is the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour
A Pakistani education activist who fights for the right of girls for equal education
Who is Malala Yousafzai?
The projects we work on throughout our EDI meetings, in smaller groups
A bank named after the city of Toronto
What is TD Bank?
A statute passed in 1977 which aims to advocate for equal opportunity for those who may be discriminated against
What is the Human Rights Act?
Unjust, differential treatment based on the elements of a person, such as race or gender
What is discrimination?
The activist who started the MeToo Movement
Who is Tarana Burke?
EDI-related resources and/or initiatives on campus at UW (name any 3 for these points)
What is the EDI-R Office, the Women's Centre, etc.?
The company behind LEARN
What is D2L Corporation?
An Act from 1986 that aims to achieve workplace equality so as to avoid anyone being denied employment opportunities for unfair reasons
What is the Employment Equity Act?
All those, regardless of ability and experience, having equitable access
What is accessibility?
An American Civil Rights Advocate who coined the term "intersectionality"
Who is Kimberle Crenshaw?
What was the first topic that the EDI Committee focused on, after its inception (Sept 2021)?
What is Indigenous Issues/Territorial Acknowledgements?
A non-profit aimed at LGBTQ+ advocacy
What is GLAAD?
Legislation aimed at tackling gender disparities in pay
What is the Pay Equity Act?
The interconnectivity of different forms of prejudice, barriers, and identity that result in each individual having a unique and nuanced experience
What is intersectionality?
A Canadian Water Rights Activist who is the Chief Water Commissioner of the Anishinabek Nation, and is only 18 years old
Who is Autumn Peltier?
The names of each actionable steps project, of which there are 5 in total (name all 5 for the points)
What is Mental Health and Inclusion; Outreach; First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Rights and Learnings; Diversity in Feedback; and Equity Barriers?
The company for which the logo is reminiscent of the Dreamworks Logo, but with a "C" instead of a "D," and no fishing rod
What is the Children's Aid Society of Toronto?
Legislation passed in 2012 for Ontario schools to provide a safe and inclusive school environment for all students, regardless of factors like race, disability, etc.
What is the Accepting Schools Act?