Where was Claire born?
Mountain Home, AR
Who is big spoon?
Who said "I love you" first?
What is Jakes middle name?
What are the Jake's parent's names?
John and Jodie
What is Claire's drink of choice?
Where did Jake and Claire have their first kiss?
The couch in Claire's apartment
Where are they going on their honeymoon?
Estes Park, CO
What did Jake want to be before he decided to go to pharmacy school?
A dentist
How did Claire's Parents meet?
Greek life in college
How many dresses did Claire try on before finding the one?
It was the first one :)
What does Claire want to bring into the bedroom in 2025?
Whipped cream
How did Claire and Jake meet?
What two sports did Jake play in high school?
Track and Football
Which family knew about "them" first?
What profession did Claire consider before deciding on OT?
Where is the craziest place Jake and Claire have done "it"?
We keep it to the bedroom, i'm lazy ;)
Which instrument can both Claire and Jake play?
French Horn
Which four colors can Jake not see?
Red, Blue, Yellow, Green
When and where did Jake ask Claires parents for their blessing?
Thanksgiving of 2023 at her parents house
When & Where did Claire lose her V card?
August 2015, A year into dating my first boyfriend on a couch in his basement ... he felt bad for me afterwards and bought me a cookie
Where does Jake kiss Claire that gives her the tingles?
On her back
How did Jake propose?
Asked me to come out to his truck to help him carry in groceries.. I had pimple cream on and my pajamas but he said he just couldn't wait.
How many years older than Jake was his oldest hook up?
12 years... yuck! (& she had a kid)
Which one of the 4 in laws was adopted?
Jake's dad John