Who was the first person to get a perfect 10
Nadia Comaneci
How many albums does Taylor Swift have (NOT INCLUDING TAYLOR'S VERSION)
When did the first Wimbledon tennis match take place
what is soccer called in England
What 2 events women do but male gymnasts don't.
Hint: it counts if you get 1 right.
Uneven Bars and Balance Beam
How many cats does Taylor Swift have
DOUBLE POINTS if you can name them
Meredith Gray, Olivia Benson, and Benjamin Button.
Before tennis balls were green what color were they
Is soccer older than American football
Who has the most olympic skills named after them.
Simone Biles
How many Grammys has she won
Before tennis rackets what did players use
There bare hands
How many countries have won the world cup
When were woman aloud to do gymnastics.
Who was Taylor Swift named after.
James Taylor
How long did the longest tennis match last
11 hours and 5 minutes
How many panels are on a soccer ball
Where did gymnastics start
Ancient Greek
What song on Hannah Montana:The Movie did Taylor write
"You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home"
What is the real name for tennis
"Jue de Paume"
Who is the oldest soccer player
DOUBLE POINTS if you name how old he is
Kazuyoshi Miura
57 years old