Small Talk
Customer Service & De-Escalation
Customer Service/ Phone Etiquette

What is small talk?

A polite conversation about uncontroversial topics


What is good customer service?

Being respectful & kind

Satisfying the member's concerns

Being Prepared & Professional


Why is Phone Etiquette important?

It is the caller's first impression of you

How you communicate determines whether you gain or lose the caller and your interaction for the remainder of the call


What does HIPAA stand for?

Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act

List some Indirect Identifiers of PHI (Give 2 examples)

Fax #'s

Email Address

Health Plan Beneficiary #'s

Account #'s

Certificate/License #'s


What 2 main skills do you use during small talk? 

Active Listening & Communication


What should you NEVER do on a call?

Become verbally abusive

Hang up on a member

Place member on hold for a long period of time


What are the five P's for Phone Etiquette?

1. Be Prepared

2. Be Patient

3. Be Proactive

4. Be Personable

5. Be Professional


What does HIPAA protect?

Protected Health Information (PHI) 


What are the criminal penalties if you disclose PHI without consent? (up to 3 answers)

Civil Penalties: Up to 1.5mil per year per violation

Criminal Penalties: up to 250,000, imprisonment of up to 10 years or both

Lawsuits: Invasion of privacy/negligence


Why is small talk important? 

You will forge stronger connections and the person will notice how engaged you are, becomes easier to ask relevant questions. 


How should a customer feel after a successful interaction with us?

They should feel heard & respected

They should feel their needs have been met


What are four key customer service skills?

1. Patience 

2. Attentiveness 

3. Clear Communication Skills

4. Product Knowledge


What is HIPAA?

Privacy & Security of Health Information

Notification of breaches of confidentiality

Penalties for violating HIPAA


As a Clarks Resources Staff training on HIPAA privacy, what do you acknowledge when using PHI?

You are only given access to PHI if you need it to perform your job

You must agree to protect the confidentiality of the information

You are subject to discipline if you violate client/company privacy policies and procedures


What is unacceptable for small talk? Give at least two examples

Anything that may upset the member. Ex: Politics, Religion, Personal Finances, Gossip, Offensive Jokes


How do we create satisfied customers?

Create a calm atmosphere of mutual respect, trust, and satisfaction to quickly resolve customer concerns. 


What are the 6 basic needs of customers?

1. Friendliness

2. Control

3. Understanding & Empathy

4. Options & Alternatives

5. Fairness

6. Information


What are some DO NOT's when safeguarding PHI? (Provide at least 2 answers)

Do Not Access PHI that you do not need

Do Not Access PHI with individuals who do not need to know it

Do not provide PHI to anyone not authorized to receive it


List the Direct Identifiers of PHI (Give at least 4)


Medical Plan ID Number

Street Address Including City, State, Zip Code

Date of Birth (DOB)

Phone Number

Social Security Number - WE DO NOT USE


What topics are acceptable for small talk? (Give at least 2)

Pets, Weather, Sports, Music, Food, Music, Movies


What are some de-escalation techniques? Give at least 3

Stay Calm

Let Them Vent

Show Empathy

Recap & Confirm 

Ask if there is anything they would like to add


Find a solution

Make good on your promises


What are Clark Resources core values?

•Responsibly provide a great member experience

•Empathize with the needs of each member

•Support the client’s mission

•Passionately take the extra step to assist members

•Encourage our colleagues to be the best

•Care for both our internal and external customers

•Thankfully accept our careers & the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others


How does HIPAA protect PHI? (Give 3 examples)

Limits on who may use or disclose PHI

Limits the purposes for which PHI may be used or disclosed

Limits the amount of information that may be used or disclosed (Minimum Necessary Rule) 

Requires use of safeguards over how PHI is used, stored & disclosed


What is the only allowable direct identifier to be provided when leaving a voicemail?

NONE...When leaving a voice message, it is important not to include any PHI
