Global Sustainability (SDGs)

Personal Sustainability (SDGs)
Clarkson Sustainability (SDGs)
Clarkson Institute for a Sustainable Environment and Clarkson Sustainability Fast Facts


Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) relate to what SDG?

SDG 14: Life Below Water


Filtering water bottles addresses which SDG?

SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation


President Marc Christensen signing the Second Nature Presidents’ Climate Commitment during Earth Week 2023 supports which SDG?

SDG 13: Climate Action


What is one sustainability-related club you can be a part of at Clarkson?

Sustainability Club OR Garden Club OR CUOC OR Engineers for International Sustainability OR NYWEA


Based on data from 68 countries for 2007-2022, only 56% of married or in-union women aged 15 to 49 make their own decisions regarding sexual and reproductive health and rights. Which SDG does this address?

SDG 5: Gender Equality


Thrifting is a prime example of which SDG?

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production


The ducted wind turbine on top of the TAC building on campus designed by Dr. Ken Visser as well as the Clarkson Hill campus being powered by 100% renewable electricity addresses which SDG?

SDG 7: Affordable and Renewable Energy


What majors on campus can get involved with sustainability?

All majors!


A relatively new architectural design in urban areas is to cover roofs with plants or vegetation. This both cleans the air and moderates the temperature of cities. Which SDG does this address?

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities


Donating or volunteering at a food pantry or food bank helps to address which SDG?

SDG 2: Zero Hunger


The Institute for a Sustainable Environment along with the Sustainability Club host a variety of events throughout the year to remove invasive species such as Buckthorn, Japanese Knotweed, and Spongy Moth. What Sustainable Development Goal Does this address?

SDG 15: Life on Land


Where is the ISE located on campus?

TAC 122


In 2022, there were about 2 billion people working precarious jobs. Which SDG does this relate to?

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth


Being a safe driver and using defensive driving techniques is closely related to what SDG?

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Target 3.6 of the goal is based on reducing road injuries and deaths globally.


Clarkson’s Community of Underrepresented Professional Opportunities (CUPO) office helps address which Sustainable Development Goal?

SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities and SDG 4: Quality Education


Who is the Director of the Institute for a Sustainable Environment?

Dr. Susan Powers


Social protections, like social security  in the USA, help to prevent, manage or overcome situations that adversely impact a person’s well-being. What SDG are social protections relevant to when thinking from an socio-economic standpoint?

SDG 1: No Poverty


Having access to affordable internet in the US and also having programs that exist to support you if you don’t  like the Affordable Connectivity Program addresses which SDG?

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure


The food waste collection programs both in dining halls and apartments address which goal?

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production


What is the new major related to the environment?

Environmental Science and Sustainability BS
