This common card freezes enemies for 1 elixir
what is the ice spirit
this is one of the most used rare cards
what is the Valkyrie
how many skeletons are in the skeleton army
what is 20
this card is invisible until it hits a target
how many buildings are in the game
12-13 if counting cannon cart
What is the most expensive common card
royal recruits
this rare card does massive damage but dies easily to skeleton army.
what is mini pekka
this epic card costs 7 elixir and does massive damage
what is the pekka
this legendary card is the first one unlock able in the lowest arena
what is the miner
This card can shot from half of the arena
what is the princess
this common card does massive damage and has large amounts of health
what are the elite barbarians
This rare card does lots card and tower damage
what is the rocket
this epic card turns into a tower after death
what is the cannon cart
this legendary card is used well with the ballon
what is the lava hound
when did clash royal release
what is 2016
this common spell clears low health cards and does minimal tower damage
what is the zap
this rare card is used early in the game and is a spell
what is the fireball
this legendary card spawns skeletons for 5 elixir
what is the graveyard
this card used to be scraped but now has been added to the game
what is the elixir golem
this common card does good damage to cards and is used in a very popular deck
what is the cannon
what are the zappies
this epic card releases a toxic card for 4 elixir
what is the poison
this is the most recent legendary card added to the game
what is the mother witch
these cards are 1 elixir and use elements
what are the spirits