Best known for his hit song Thriller
Michael Jackson
This instrument is made out of wood and used to play drums or practice rhythm
Rhythm Sticks/ Drum Sticks
Notorious B. I. G.
Rap/ Hip Hop
The oboe is a part of this instrument family
This artist has performed at two super bowl half time shows and has a hit song called Not Like Us
Kendrick llamar
Made out of metal and has holes along the side and top for air to pass through
The flute
Ziggy Marley
The viola is apart of what genre of instruments?
Named after an insect and was very popular in the 1960's and 1970's
The Beatles
This instrument is a part of the brass family and is the biggest brass instrument
Katie Perry
Pop music
The gong is considered what type of instrument
Married to Jay Z and is widely know for their hit song, Single Ladies
A circular brass horn
French Horn
Guns and roses
The Trumpet is knows as what type of instrument?
This artist is known widely as the Prince of Darkness and is the singer for the rock band Black Sabbath
Ozzy Ozbourne
made out of wood and used at the foundation of the drum set
Bass drum/ kick drum
Heavy Metal