What should your voice level be in the hallway and why?
Level 0. We are at a level 0 to respect other classes and for the safety of ourselves and others.
Who is in charge of the restroom?
The bathroom Monitor for the week is in charge of making sure everyone is following school wide expectations.
When the teacher is talking, what should you be doing?
Listening at a level 0 with your eyes on the speaker.
How should you treat your classmates?
With kindness and respect to all.
Is it okay to touch the walls while walking in the hallway? Why?
No. It can be distracting and potentially damage another students work.
What should you do if you need to use the restroom?
Cross your fingers or raise your hand to ask a teacher.
What should you do if you need a pencil?
Raise your hand or put up the number 1 on your fingers.
When you make a mess who is responsible for cleaning it up?
I am responsible for cleaning up my mess.
Where should your hands be when walking in the hallway?
At your side or behind your back
What is the voice level in the restroom?
Level 0
What are the appropriate ways to sit on the carpet?
Legs criss-cross with your hands to yourself.
If someone is upsetting you, what should you do BEFORE you tell the teacher?
Respectfully talk to the person and tell them they are doing something to upset you.
What direction should you be facing in while in line?
Facing forward
Name the steps for going to the restroom
wait your turn, use the bathroom, wash your hands, dry your hands, line up quietly by the door.
What should you do if you need a drink of water?
Put up 3 fingers or raise your hand.
What can you do if you finish your work early?
Raise your hand or get on Epic or Lexia.
What are the consequences for not meeting hallway expectations?
Having to practice walking in the hallway during recess.
What are the consequences for not meeting restroom expectations?
Losing time off of recess.
Why might your teacher say "no" to you asking to use the restroom or get water?
It is the middle of a lesson, you are not following expectations, the class just took a bathroom break.
When is it okay to leave your seat without teacher permission? When is it not okay?
To get a tissue, in case of an emergency.
It is not ok to get up and walk around whenever you want to. It is not ok to leave the classroom without asking.