What should your name NOT HAVE during class?
Emojis or nicknames
What can you publish to the blog in SeeSaw?
Anything that you'd like as long as it's school appropriate and meant for all of us.
Name one way that you could communicate with Mr. Havner using technology
SeeSaw, Zoom, Clever, Google Voice
Name the other 2 Fourth Grade teachers
Ms. Carr and Ms. Murphy
Name the 4 Daily 4 centers
Word Work, Read to Self, Listen to Reading, Work on Writing
When may you unmute your microphone?
Only when called on by the teacher or speaker.
When should you check SeeSaw for any work that you may have to do?
At least once each day. Before class or at 12:20 are when all work for the day will be assigned.
Who can you chat with during a Zoom meeting?
Just Mr. Havner
Name 2 other people who work at Adams and are not teachers
Ms. Sharon, Ms. Candise, Ms. Ashley, Mr. Randy, Ms. Carla, Ms. Liz, Ms. Glenda, etc..
When should all Daily 4 work be done by?
What are two ways that you can let Mr. Havner know you want to share during class?
Use a reaction or raise your virtual hand.
Yes!! Just as long as you are putting them up and encouraging them!
What types of words and messages do we expect for everyone to use in class, in person, and online?
Positive, supportive, and encouraging! Help someone to grow with your beautiful words.
Monday, September 21st
What happens to Daily 4 work that is not completed on time?
It turns into catch up work and is completed the next week. If it is still not done then Mr. Havner, you, and your home will work together to figure out how to get this work completed.
Should your camera be on during class?
It's ok to turn it off here and there but we ask that it be on as much as possible each day.
When should SeeSaw work be completed?
At the end of each day. By the end of each week, all SeeSaw work should be completed and turned into Mr. Havner.
How long after being called on, should you be ready to unmute and share?
3-5 seconds. You should always be close enough to your iPad to hear my voice and it should always be in easy reach.
How many days are in a typical school year?
Where might you complete Daily 4 work?
SeeSaw, Google Classroom, Scholastic News, NewsEla
When can I take a screenshot of someone in class?
Never! Screenshots should only be of class slides and should only happen when Mr. Havner asks you to take one.
SeeSaw is also the name of a popular song by what K-Pop band?
BTS. Check it out here https://video.link/w/nMdCb
If you are unsure what to do and are feeling overwhelmed, how could someone from home get ahold of Mr. Havner?
Google Voice! Have them text me and we can work anything out together!
Thursday, June 17th 2021
When you are done working on Daily 4, what would you be allowed to work on next?
Dreambox, Epic!, Sumdog, Tynker, Prodigy, Other class project, SeeSaw work, read a book from home.