What is the food and drink policy?
Where should you put your folder after class?
In your assigned folder slot
What is the cell phone policy at MBJH?
No phones except in locker
How do you get a good exam grade for this class?
Show up on time and participate in all concerts, dressed appropriately.
Where should you turn in papers?
Turn in basket for your class
What is the expectation while the teacher is giving instructions?
Listen and don't be disruptive to others learning.
What are the 3 things you need each day?
Music, chromebook, pencil
What is the tardy policy at MBJH?
4th tardy= detention
What happens on the 3rd offense of breaking a school or class rule?
Detention, Parent meeting or call with Mr. Kennedy
Where are extra pencils located?
Front of the classroom near the door
What should you do if absent?
Contact teachers to see what you missed via email.
What is an example of a time you DON'T need to ask to leave the classroom?
If you are getting sick, or if there's a fire drill or other life threatening emergency
What is the expectation for AO at MBJH?
Study and get extra academic help
What happens on the FIRST offense of breaking a classroom or school rule?
If the restroom is full, what should you do?
a. Wait in the hall until it opens up
b. Come back to class until it opens up
B - come back to the room until it opens up! We miss valuable time this way.
What should you do if you need to go to the restroom, get a drink, go to the nurse, etc.?
What time does this class start, AKA you need to be in the room, with supplies, ready to start?
2nd period 8:53
3rd period 10:44
What grade average should you have to do extracurriculars at MBJH?
C or above
What happens on the 2nd offense of breaking a class or school rule?
Parent Contact
What are the 2 concert dates this semester?
February 23 and May 9
What do I need to do to earn participation points each week?
What is an appropriate time to raise hand for a question or to ask to leave?
When there is a pause in rehearsal! (in between activities or songs, NOT when we are in the middle of singing or about to start something new).
Where should you go to check for assignments if you are absent from school (any class)?
Schoology or Email
What happens if you miss a concert or performance listed on the calendar?
What is concert attire for a formal concert?
All black, nice attire (dress, pants, skirt, shirt, tie, dress shoes, black tights or socks, etc.)