Where should your eyes be when someone is talking?
On the person whos speaking
How do you ask to go to the bathroom?
hand signal
What is the first thing you do when you get a paper?
Write your name!
True or False: Your desk should not have any loose papers in it
Your teacher asks you to come to the carpet...What do you do?
You see someone making a not so nice comment about someone else. What do you do?
Tell them, that is not kind. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
How do you travel to the bathroom
Something on the paper is really hard. Your lost, confused, have no idea what to do.
Ask 3 people at your table QUIETLY. If you still feel that way raise your hand.
Who's job is it to clean up after you?
Respectful or not? Someone falls down. You laugh at them.
Not respectful.
Your friend is struggling on a math problem.
What do you do?
kids are screaming in the bathroom, what do you do?
KINDLY, Remind them to follow the BARK rules and set an example.
Where do you put your paper when your done with it?
HINT: It's getting graded
BONUS: What did Miss Rizzo do the most during break?
Respectful or not? Miss Rizzo asks you to line up quietly, and you line up quietly.
Very respectful.
Someone says an answer and it is very obviously wrong.
You see a 1st grader throwing paper towels around.
What do you do?
Bonus: Is there a prize for being the first one done?
NO! so try your best
Turn it off. Is it charged? If not, go plug it in! make sure the light is on.
BONUS: What is Miss Rizzo's favorite subject to teach?
Someone is playing alone or doesn't have a partner. What do you do?
Invite them to join you!!!!!!
BONUS! What is Miss Rizzo's favorite color?
Finish this saying: Try your best...For.....
It is time to be reading silently. What should you be doing?
If what you are doing is hurting someone else, is it respectful?