The name of our messenger chat, sophomore year
What is s'mores
The 8th commandment
What is You shall not steal
One strategy for assessing business operations is using SWOT analysis, which stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, ______, and Threats.
What are opportunities
Burger Kings in Russia briefly launched a cryptocurrency named after what signature burger
What is the Whopper
The university structure once had its own zip code
What is Jester
The girls in our class that played on the coed basketball team, sophomore year
Who is Grace, Victoria, and Katie
The person who suggested to Joseph to interpret the dreams of Pharaoh
Who is the cupbearer
This number equals to the sum of the first three perfect cubes
What is 36 (1 + 8 + 27)
The bone that runs parallel and lateral to the tibia
What is the Fibula
How many stories tall is the UT tower
What is 27
The food that was brought for our class potluck during our junior year, that started with the letter “Z” (alphabet potluck)
What is Zhajiangmian
On which day did God create the sun, moon, and stars?
What is the fourth day
One gigabyte is equal to how many megabytes
What is 1000
I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am i?
What is a Map
In what year did the Texas Longhorns football team win their first National Championship since 1970?
What is 2005
Name both: the country Caleb went to for a competition and the state Elliot was in for officer candidate school (last summer)
Where is Kazakhstan and Virginia
The second plague God sent over Egypt
What are Frogs
The electronic geometry of a sp3d hybridization?
What is trigonal bipyramidal
Among land animals, what species has the largest eyes?
What is an Ostrich
Who was the first live mascot of UT? (either the name or the type of animal right)
Who was a dog named Pig
The number of milk cartons that Josh Huang is holding in this photo:
What is 11
The city mentioned in Revelations that is also the name of an American city
What is Philadelphia
The Treaty of Ghent was the peace treaty that ended which war
What was the War of 1812
A girl has as many brothers as sisters, but each brother has only half as many brothers as sisters. How many brothers and sisters are there in the family?
What is four sisters and three brothers
In 1900, a vote of students, faculty, staff and alumni officially selected orange and white as the University’s colors. What colors came in second place – by only seven votes?
What was orange and maroon