What two teams are in the Super Bowl this year?
Philadelphia Eagles and Kansas City Chiefs
How many credits do you need to graduate from FHS?
23 Credits.
How minutes do you have passing time between classes?
4 minutes
What is the name of the school mascot?
Freddy Falcon
What county is Faribault in?
Rice County
Name a college in Faribault
South Central College
True or False: Is a World Language required to graduate from FHS?
False. However, many 4-year colleges and universities require 2 years of a world language.
Name 2 of the 3 Principals
Mr. Timmer - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Sweeney - Assistant Principal
Mr. Olson - Principal
What is the name of the Faribault High School dance team?
What is the ZIP code for Faribault?
What is the name of Harry Potter’s school?
What does FOA stand for?
Falcon Online Academy
Name one skill that will help you be successful in High School.
Time Management, Attendance, Work Completion, Being Organized, Getting Involved
Name 2 sports you can participate in while attending Faribault High School.
Basketball, Golf, Gymnastics, Wrestling, Swimming, Baseball, Track & Field
How many students are Faribault High School?
Name 2 branches of the Military
Air Force
Coast Guard
National Guard
How can you earn college credit through Faribault High School?
Advanced Placement (AP)
Concurrent Enrollment (CIS or College Now)
Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO)
Minnesota College Credit
What happens if you fail a class while in High School.
You must retake it through credit recovery or summer school.
What animal lives in the FHS courtyard?
Estimate the population of Faribault?
Approximately 24,000 people
What MN company invented Post-It Notes?
What is the document called that contains the classes you have taken, grades earned, and your high school grade point average?
What does your grade point average need to be to graduate with Honors?
What year was the first graduating class of Faribault High School?
When was the town of Faribault established? The closest answer wins.