The number of plagues that were sent over Egypt
The second plot stage of a story
Rising Action
Trivia Question: What is the nearest planet to the sun?
Trivia Question: What is the fastest land animal?
Teacher Won's favorite activity
The Bible was written by people who lived and worked with Jesus?
Hint: the Bible is a primary source
Eye-witness source
The "R" in the scientific method
Trivia Question: Where do plants get their energy from?
the sun
Trivia Question: How many eyes does a bee have? 2,4,5,or 6
Helper Caleb's full name (with the adjective and noun)
Chill cheesy Caleb
Moses's new mother?
The daughter of the Pharaoh/Egyptian princess
The one variable a scientist changes in an experiment
Experimental Variable
Trivia Question: What is the coldest place on Earth?
Trivia Question: Which mammal has no vocal cords? Gorilla, coyote, monkey, or giraffe
Helper Sophie's favorite activity
Crucial lessons from the story of Moses's birth
There is Real evil in the world
Upbring and environment don’t matter
God’s powerful hand of redemption
God uses ordinary people to accomplish His purposes
The number you get by dividing one by the original number
Trivia Question: What color is ruby?
Trivia Question: What organ does an octopus have three of?
The college Teacher Won is going to
Boston University
God is everywhere at the same time
Your team's mnemonic for the scientific method
Quick running hippo eats coconut raisins/ Quiet rude hippo eats crying rabbit
Trivia Question: What planet in our solar system is able to sustain life?
Trivia Question: What is the only fruit that has its seeds on the outside?
Helper Caleb's mile time
6 minutes
The 10 plagues IN ORDER
Water in Nile RIver turned to blood, Frogs cover the land, Dust turns into gnats, Flies fill Egyptian houses only, All Egyptian livestock dies, Soot in air causes boils on skin, Hail and storm destroys everything, Locusts eat everything, Total darkness covers the land for 3 days, Angel of death will kill every Egyptian firstborn male
The two steps to changing a negative exponent to positive
1) Find the reciprocal
2) Change the negative to a positive
Trivia Question: How many arms does a squid have?
Trivia Question: What is a group of wolves called?
A pack
Is Wonzonia the best name of all time