Name one expectation for transitions.
Quietly, Quickly, or Walking
Should you talk if you do not have Jeffery during the class meeting?
Should you ask to leave the classroom?
What are the three things you should be doing every day?
(Hint: Mountaineer Mantra)
Responsible, Safe, Respectful
Should ou argue over line order?
Name the two expectations for transitions.
Quietly, quickly, walking.
How do you check out a library book? How do you return it?
Write your name and title on the check-out sheet.
Return in the Return Bin.
How should we behave during a fire drill? (1 behavior)
Walk, Level 0
Name two expectations for Soft Start Bins.
Be respectful (don't destroy them), clean up after yourself, Level 1 or 2, AFTER you eat breakfast.
What voice level should you be at during independent work time?
Level 0
Name all expectations for transitions.
Quietly, quickly, walking.
What kind of words should we use during a class meeting?
Kind and respectful words.
How do we walk in the hallway? (Name 2 things)
Silently, in a straight line.
Who should you act like during school?
4th Graders
How many sharpened pencils should you have at the beginning of the day?
3 pencils
Transition to the carpet. Go!
Did you do it?
Where should you keep your folders or books?
In your OWN bin.
Where do we go during a lockdown? What voice level should we be at?
Show me...Level 0!
How do you ask for help or ask a question? (Give me the three rules)
Raise your hand, WAIT quietly, 3 before me.
How can you earn a bonus? Give me an example.
By doing something above and beyond what is expected.
Examples may vary.
Transition to a line by the door. Go!
Did you do it?
When can you interrupt Ms. Meyer when she is working with a group? (Name 2 times)
In an emergency, if you have coffee, or if she won one million dollars.
Who do you earn a class compliment from?
A teacher or staff member.
What are the steps for dismissal? (Hint: There are 5)
1. Clean up
2. Wait to pack up
3. Put your bag by the door
4. Sit on the carpet and listen to the book
5. When you are called, walk to get your bag and leave.
What should you do if you finish early? What do you do when you don't finish work?
Unfinished work, homework, or free read/color
Put an activity where Ms. Meyer tells you or in your Catch-Up folder.